10. Hold you while you wait

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A request for shawmila_mabello so sorry it's late it's been a bad couple of months but I hope you like it ❤

Shawn's P.O.V

I feel like Y/N is slipping away from me. I don't know how she feels anymore. I don't know if she likes me anymore I don't even know if she wants to be with me anymore. She's always quiet. We barely see each other anymore due to both of us having hectic work schedules. I'm at the point of wondering if there is any point to this relationship anymore. I swear she isn't happy with me anymore and in all honesty seeing her unhappy makes me unhappy.

I'm sat on our couch wondering whether what I'm about to do is the right thing. I wait patiently for her to get home from work, going over and over in my head what I'm about to say still contemplating whether I should or shouldn't. I mean all we do anymore is argue.

I hear the door unlock and realise that it's time to do what's right, or at least what I think is right.

"Hey shawn, I'm home."

"Hey Y/N, can...um... we talk?"

"Yeah of course shawn, is everything alright?" She asks while sitting next to me on the couch.

"Look Y/N I can see that you aren't happy in this relationship with me anymore. I can feel you slipping away and if all we are gonna do is argue without trying to fix what is broken then what's the point? I love you I really do but I hate to see you unhappy and I can tell that with me you are unhappy. I've been feeling like this for a while so, I think, god this is so hard to say. I think it's best if we break up."

"Break up? Shawn I love you I know I've been distant but I promise it's not been because of you. Please don't do this shawn. I'm begging you." She says in tears. Choking up on the odd word every now and then.

"I'm sorry Y/N but we are done. It's over. I'm breaking up with you. It's for the best. "

She just starts crying and I want to cry too but I can't it's only going to make the situation worse.

She just gets up grabs her coat and says quietly before she leaves.

"Someone will come get my stuff tomorrow. Goodbye shawn."

With that she leaves her keys by the door and walks out. I rush to the window and watch her leave. She runs to her car. I see her sit there for a few minutes in disbelief with tears streaming down her face. She looks at me one more time through the window before she drives away leaving me for I guess forever.

I just had to keep reminding myself that is what for the best.

6 months later...

Y/N's P.O.V

My friends dragged me to a bar because I'm still moping around about my breakup with shawn.

We get there and I just feel lost. I'm in no mood to party whatsoever but according to them it's the best thing to do to get him off of my mind. Drink my feelings away. So I decide to go to the bar and when I walk over no one other than my ex Shawn Mendes was sat at the bar heavily drinking to be the looks of it with all the empty glasses surrounding him.

I walk closer and here him groggily say
" hit me again." Slamming the shot glass down.

I decide to walk past him and head to the bathroom and call his best friend brian.

"Hey its Y/N. Look I'm at a bar and shawn is here and hes really drunk."

"Hi and yeah I know  Y/N hes been foung this for the past 6 months no one can get him to stop."


"Because he misses you Y/N. He regrets what he did. He loves you."

"Okay thanks Brian."

I hang up and leave the bathroom walking over to shawn and drag him out of the bar and take him to my place.

I take him up to my room and he instantly falls asleep. He looks so cute and peaceful when he sleeps.

I decide that I will go to sleep on the couch.

The next morning....

I wake up and wait for shawn to get downstairs. It doesn't take him long and he groggily comes down the stairs.

"Hey I'm sorry for being a pain and you having to take me home. I'm not usually like this...(he looks up and sees me) Y/N?"

"Hey shawn. Theres a glass of water and some paracetamol on the table."

"Thanks. How did this happen?"

"Well I went to a bar, the same one you were at. I saw you drunk and didnt want to leave you so I brought you here and you fell asleep."

He sits next to me and glances over me.

"Why did you do this?"

"Because shawn I still love you."

"I still love you too Y/N. I'm sorry about everything. I regret it all. I just want you back."

"I know shawn I want you back too."

"I also know you have a drinking problem as brian told me you have been drinking the day since I left. I'm going to help you get through this I promise. Youarr always going to have me shawn. I'm not leaving you ever and that's a promise. I love you shawn."

"And I love you Y/N."

Shawn Mendes Imagines #2Where stories live. Discover now