"Y/n!" Niall whines from the other side of the sofa. I look at him and roll my eyes. He's gotten to that point in boredom where he's laying upside down with his head hanging off the couch.
"Can we do something?" He asks. I shrug and look back at my book.
"Best friends are suppose to entertain other best friends ya know." He informs me. I feel him moving around and then the heat he provided my feet was soon gone. I look up once more and see him looking through my collection of cd's. He finds the one he's looking for and slides it into the cd player.
Stay with me's soft beginning starts as I watch Niall slowly walk towards me. "May I have this dance?" He asks, grinning while he extends his hand for me to grab. I smile shyly and slide my book onto the table. I gently grab a hold of his hand and stand up. He swirls me around and the close to him. One of his hands were entwined with mine while the other held the small of my back.
"Best friends." He whispers. I nod slightly and look down. "Do you like me?" He asks taking me off gaurd.
"Ni if I didn't like you we wouldn't be friends."
"No I mean as more than a friend."
"I've thought of it, but never spent to much time on it because I knew you-"
He pushes his lips on to mine and kisses me. He pulls away slowly and looks at me. "I really like you." He whispers. I grin and pull him in for another kiss.
"I really like you to."