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Bonnie PoV

I left the room quietly as the girls did their thing. I smiled knowing just how big of a shock Mark was in for. I walked slowly heading for the water fountain. I took a drink and as I stood back up I found Lucas leaning on the wall.
"Hey.." was all he said. I looked him over.
"Hi." Flashbacks to the girls forcing me into an nct comeback party.... (oh yeah, those are a thing with them) I didn't know Lucas had debuted... until I saw him on the screen. I will admit, I let my shallow side get the better of me. I had originally been there to support my best friends. But I hadn't taken my eyes off Lucas whenever he was on the screen. I felt myself blushing already so I turned and began to walk off. Lucas took my wrist and stopped me leaving. Then I remembered the real Lucas, the mean, perverted asshole. I opened my mouth to angrily ask him what he wanted, when he spoke first.
"I owe you an apology." Lucas let me go and then got to his knees and then bowed to the floor.
"Y..Yah! Get up! You are an idol!" I don't want to admit it but his sincerity was evident and it flustered me. "Okay! You are sorry! Now get up!" I blinked as he stood up grinning.
"I'm going for lunch now. I will see you in class after?"
I blushed a little and nodded. He pat me on the top of my head as he left. I stood still in shock for a moment before snapping to my senses and heading back towards my friends.
When I rejoined them, my best friend looked like he wanted to stab everything. Then as I followed the girls. It clicked why. I snorted realising he was jealous and dropped to the back.
"How was working with Lucas?" I watched him snap out of mentally choking a guy from the year below.
"I hate to say it as you don't seem to like him...But, we get along really well." Mark shrugged as he looked at me.
"Okay." Was my only reply, Mark gave me a strange look but his attention went once again to his love interest as males fought to pull chairs out for her, Jisoo and Myself. I thanked renjun as he pushed his way smoothly in front of the two behind my chair and pulled it out himself. I ruffled his hair and took a seat. And then I helped myself to snacks piling onto the table from all our own lunches and snacks being added by admirers. As I ate I mulled over this new side to Lucas, but it wasn't until bell went and I got to class that I was certain.
"Hey! Want a pocky?" He shook the packet with a smile, and for once I smiled naturally back at him.
Later.... I phoned the girls to find out what happened after - when what shall be known as jaemins breakpoint - that whole fiasco... But their attention was on me and where my mind had gone for most of lunch. I couldn't bring myself to answer. I had intended to be truthful with them, I had honestly grown to love the two girls. But, as I opened my mouth to speak something glinted from my bedside table and for some reason I began to feel guilty leading to me not answering them.  I picked the ring up.. And then scrolled through my phone contacts. I hovered over the name for a minute or two before pressing the call button.
"Woah, Hold on! I dropped my phone... I was playing a game and yeah kinda startled." He chuckled a little, "Did you mean to call me?" Lucas seemed shocked and to be honest I expected him to be...
"Did you really DROP your phone?!" I snorted in amusement and almost dropped the ring I was holding, which reminded me, "Hey, you know the ring you took?"
"I already apologised for that!" Lucas whined down the phone and I was a little taken a back.
"No, not that..." I struggled to pull my sentence together in shock at his outburst, "It was in a box... Where is it?"
"oh that?" I could hear the relief in his voice, "I gave it to Taeyong."
"Was that it?" I wasn't sure if it was my brain but he sounded disappointed.
"And I'm having a party for a friends birthday soon... Would you like to come?"
"I will check if I'm free... Text me the details?"
"Sure..." it went awkward, I couldn't handle the silence.. So I did something very unlike myself, "Congratulations on your debut, you were really good.... Um... Yeah... Bye..." and I hung up dropping my head onto my pillow in embarrassment.

Minhee POV

Bonnie usually helped us get rid of the boys surrounding our lunch table and with the boys fans too, the whole thing seemed overcrowded, but Bonnie seemed deep in thought. Numerous boys attempted to approach Jisoo, but Haechan shooed most of them away. I had my usual three biggest fans loitering nearby, but they were unable to get through the growing group of fangirls. Somehow a senior managed to slip through whilst Haechan was eating and wormed his way next to Jisoo. The next thing we knew Jaemin appeared out of nowhere, punched the senior, grabbed Jisoo's wrist and pulled her out of the cafeteria.
"What happened there?!" I gaped at Haechan, who was still calmly eating his sandwich. When he had finished the food, he grinned.
"That guy was suggesting Jisoo went to his house to 'Study' and get th know each other if you know what I mean.." He wiggled his eyebrows. "All in the plan."
"Have all these comebacks fried your brain? That's your girlfriend! " Marks voice caught my attention and my heart pounded before it began to hurt. He hadn't said hello to me... I hadn't known he was even here and how much I had wanted to see him, hit me all at once. It was overwhelming the amount of emotion I was feeling. To the point that I almost missed My childhood friends next bombshell.
"Huh? Oh yeah I didnt tell you yet.... We broke up." He shrugged nonchalantly and grinned. I was dumbfounded, that only grew when another male took Jisoo's seat and Grabbed my hand. He started talking to me at high speeds but all I heard was Bonnie in my ear.
"Mark looks like he is gonna kill him."  and then a hand landed on my leg and I froze. Mark grabbed the guy by his collar a yanked him up off the chair and shoved him away. He then took my hand in his and dragged me through the corridors. As we passed deserted classrooms, Mark started trying doors, I swore I saw a couple making use of one of them to kiss. When he eventually found an empty room we were back in the dance studio. My heart was pounding, I wasn't sure if it was from him holding my hand or from running. Mark span me against the door and then very calmly placed his hands on the door either side of my head. He was looking at the floor and taking deep breaths. 

"Are you okay?" My voice was shaking and Mark suddenly pulled me into a hug. He laughed after a while.
"You are the one who got touched up and you are asking if I'm okay?" He grinned at me. I rolled my eyes at him and then grinned back, "I was worried you had burst a lung from running!" Mark snorted.
"You've spent too much time with Bonnie. You are getting too brave." He suddenly put his hands back on the door and I backed up against it.  Mark leant towards me and I panicked. I ducked under his arm and made a run for it. He caught me in no time and we ended in a pile on the floor, laughing in fits.
"Come on, I better get you back to the others for class." Mark stood and held his hand out to me. I took it and then shocked the poor boy by jumping straight onto his back. "Wha-"
"You said you were taking me to class" I grinned at him but my heart was pounding. Mark snorted and started walking.
"You are banned from spending time with Bonnie." I giggled as he carried me out to the corridor, where we came face to face with a very red faced and confused Jisoo.

Jisoo POV

I was shocked when Jaemin punched my senior, but that was the least shocking thing that happened. And I mean, something BIG.
Jasmin dragged me into an empty classroom and locked the door behind us. As he turned to look at me I gave him my best 'WTF' look. I expected him to apologise and say something about the guy he had just punched, instead I got..
"What the hell do you think you are playing at?!" It took me by suprise and I started moving away from him, "Jisoo-ah.... can you just not....can you..." Jaemin struggled to for words and I had enough of waiting for him to talk.
"Oppa, you just punched someone...."
"Well Haechan wasnt doing anything... someone had to do something!"
"Since when was it YOUR place to decide who flirts with me?!" I folded my arms at him, my eyes shooting daggers, "especially when you havent spoken to me for almost 6 months! Just what are YOU playing at Jaemin?! Seriously it's one thing to ignore me but to-" I was cut off as I fell back against the chalkboard. Lips crashing onto mine. By the time I had realised Jaemin was kissing me, he had already pulled away.
"Fuck...  I....  SHIT!" that's when he left me, slamming open the door as he did. I followed his trail in a daze and my mind returned to my body as I almost crashed into Minhee and Mark.
"Hey, you okay?!" Minhee climbed off Mark's back and took my hand. I nodded my head and then shook it.
"Jaemin...just.... he just..." and then I burst into tears. Mark's eyes widened and then he dropped their bags on the floor.
"Will you look after my bag? I'm going to go find the boys." Minhee nodded beside me and then grabbed their things off the floor dragging me into the bathroom as she did.
"Jisoo? It's just us. What happened?!" Minhee rubbed my arm with her hand and I sniffled more.
"Jaemin just kissed me...and then walked off!" I set off crying again and Minhee hugged me whilst I did.
"Maybe Mark can find out why? Let's give them some time to talk too and I will ask him." But I didnt want to know. I shook my head at her with a small smile.
"Dont be ruining what sweet thing you got going with mr in every unit." I laughed wiping the tears from my face as she scowled, "i can sort my own love life out..   i hope." I added as I left the bathroom and walked straight into Haechan. He opened his arms and I dived into them crying again.

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