Chapter 3

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Jaemin swung his foot as he leant against the entrance to the library, his hand clasped the strap of his backpack as he glanced down the halls looking for Jisoo.
"Jaemin! What are you doing here?" Bonnie made her way out of the library, her arms full of books for classes of various topics.
"Oh hi Noona!" Jaemin grinned, "I gotta do some catch up in classes. Haechan said the girls are pretty smart, so I asked Jisoo if she would come to study after school."
"Ah I see, the other girl who was with you earlier? Well have fun! I'm off to meet Tae Oppa." She waved and turned away. Her footsteps got quicker as a tall male who looked like he shouldn't be a student came tumbling out of the door, girls surrounded him.
"Oh my god..." Jaemin blinked in awe as the male towered over him.
"Did you see a girl with purple hair?" The tall male asked and Jaemin pointed the way Bonnie had left, "Thanks! I'm Lucas!" The taller male grabbed Jaemins hand in his overly large one and shook it in greeting.
"I'm Jaemin, nice to meet you...." The shorter male blinked rapidly as he tried to process the high amount of energy pouring from the male in front of him. Lucas then let out a hearty chuckle and clapped Jaemin in the back, leaving with a grin and leaving the poor younger male gazing down the empty corridor.
"Oppa!" Jisoo's voice pulled his attention away. Jaemin turned round with a bright smile.
"Jisoo-ah!" His stomach turned into knots as the girl returned his smile. "Shall we?" He motioned his head to the door of the library, Jisoo nodding.

Down the hall, Bonnie watched the whole exchange from her hidden spot.
"Aww cute!" She grinned before deciding Lucas had passed her far enough. As she turned, she fell from happy to annoyed as she bumped straight into a chest.
"Oh god, not you." Bonnie wrinkled her nose. And the body she had bumped into leaned towards her. Automatically, she leant back, mentally cursing herself as she did. "What do you want Lucas?" She scowled as he laughed and pulled away.
"What do I want?!" He shoved his hands into his pockets and his eyebrows pulled together in confusion, "I want to know, What gives?!" The petite girl hid a smile in victory, "I was hiding for a reason you know!" Lucas folded his arms and shuffled from one foot to the other. Bonnie could see the boy was agitated.
"I have no idea what you mean." She turned to walk off and Lucas grabbed her shoulder. He spun her back to face him and even leaned her into the wall to trap her there.
"Sending all those girls from our class in after me! You know exactly what I mean!" Lucas lost his temper and slammed his hand on the wall beside her head. Bonnie jumped, she wasn't scared but she also wasn't comfortable with the situation. Lucas was staring at the girl with a brow raised, clearly waiting for an answer. "Well?!" The taller male leant into her face more, Bonnie couldn't move or look away. Just as the girl was considering kicking him, the Boy was yanked away and a slim male with bright red hair and a shaven line on one of his eyebrows stepped in front of Bonnie.
"Taeyong Oppa!" Bonnie wrapped her arms around his waist in relief, thankful her friend had come to pick her up.
"This the guy?" Taeyong turned round with wide eyes as he placed a hand ontop of the girls head. She nodded and he bent down pecking the top of her head. "Okay." He turned back round, intent on sticking up for his friend, to find the tall male gone from sight. "Uh, he's gone?" Bonnie leaned round to take a look for herself and sighed once again in relief.
"Thanks Oppa." Bonnie smiled at the elder, who was staring down the corridor. "Are you okay?" Bonnie tapped the elder on his shoulder.
"Huh?" Taeyong glanced down at her confused expression and nodded, "Yeah, I swear I have seen that guy before, that's all." He ruffled her hair and the. Hooked his arm over her shoulder. "Come on I will drive you home."

Across town, Minhee grabbed a muffin from the basket on the breakfast bar of her kitchen. She pecked her mother on the cheek and then made her way up to her room. She went through to her en suite bathroom and began running a bath. She lit candles and then returned to her room to grab her new clothes.
"Oh, my phone!" Minhee rustled in her backpack and pulled out her phone which was vibrating. "Hello? Oppa?" Minhee blinked as the phone beeped to alert of video being added to the call. She clicked to accept and then moved out of view of the camera. "Two seconds!" She pulled off the remainder of her clothes and slipped herself into the warm water before propping her phone up, only showing the tops of her shoulders and her face. "Hey!"
The male on the other side of the call squinted and then grinned, "Are you bathing?!" He shook his head with a chuckle, "it's a good job I don't see you like a woman Minhee!"
"Hyuk, do you really think I would do this if we weren't practically siblings?" Minhee rolled her eyes. She heard the door on Haechans side open and close, "Who was that?"
"Just Mark." The girls older friend grinned again, "don't worry I won't show him the screen." Mark must have questioned Haechan with a look because he followed with, "She is naked in the bath." Minhee blushed and yelled at her elder friend. But what shocked her more was how quickly Mark left the room after the comment was made. Haechan burst into laughter as soon as the door closed.
"Why are you laughing so much?" Minhee washed herself quickly as her friend carried in laughing. "Seriously, Oppa! I won't come out to meet you!" Minhee huffed as she flipped the camera down to get out of the bath.
"Sorry. It's just so funny how quickly he left." Haechan chuckled again and then his voice floated to her ears again as she began getting dressed. "Can you come to the dorm instead?" Minhee dropped her hair brush and grabbed the phone. Whilst the screen had been out of her view, her elder friend a  left his room and gone to sit in the living area. In the background, she could make out two of the elder nct members and Mark, who had glanced sideways and spotted the girl on the screen.
"You are joking? DO YOU WANT TO GET ME IN TROUBLE?!" Her voice screeched over the speaker and mark had to look away before she caught his grin. It was short lived as his character on the screen keeled over.
"Damn it!" Mark sulked. Haechan and Minhee stopped their argument and mark felt them both stare in his direction. Haechan let out a snort and turned back to the younger girl.
"Come here, you can study here too then!" Haechan reasoned, "plus, I bet you only grabbed a snack again!"
Minhee pouted on the other end as she pulled on her boots. Haechan whistled at the view of the girls legs and Minhee swore at him in English. Mark and Jaehyun, who had been one of the guys playing too turned in shock at the use of English.
"You were the one who said I put on weight!" Minhee scowled as she picked up her phone and held it in front of her as she left her house.
"I am gonna kill Jaemin for telling you!" Haechan snorted, "either way. You are coming here. No exceptions!" He then hung up the phone and turned to the boys in the room with a grin, "you might wanna put some clothes on...." He then laughed as the boys scrambled over each other to run and get fully dressed again.

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