Chapter 8

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Mark POV

The kitchen was in chaos when I came back with the cake. I had been gone less than ten minutes,
And I walked back through to what seemed to
Be the biggest food fight in dorm history. Doyoung would faint if he saw it.
"Yah!" I called but everyone was having too much fun, even... "HYUNG?" I blinked at the pink haired elder as he grabbed a pancake and crumbled it into Bonnies hair. My eyes darted about and saw Minhee being held by Renjun as Jeno snuck towards her with some scrambled eggs. I put the cake on the side and pulled my fingers up to my mouth in a piercing whistle. Everyone froze and turned towards me. I noticed Renjun let go of Minhee immediately. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Okay we better clean this up- ." I got hit by something soft the then tumbled down my face. I opened my eyes again to see scrambled egg on the floor. My gaze instantly went to Jeno, who had a look of horror on his face. But he wasn't looking at me, nobody was. Infact all eyes were on the culprit as she bit her bottom lip. How could I not give in? I lunged for Minhee and grabbed her round the waist, she squirmed as I grabbed a scoop of jam from the jar with my fingers and then smeared it across the girls face. She squealed and laughed, and chaos broke out once more. I chased Minhee having a full on battle with whatever food we came across. Chenle and Jisung had flipped the kitchen table and were using it as a barricade to protect jisoo from Haechans accurate aim. Bonnie had fallen into a corner in defeat as Taeyong spoke softly to her in the corner as he pulled bits of food out of her hair. I made a mental note to ask later as I finally caught Minhee again and pinned her in a cage between me and the wall. She smiled up at me a complete mess, covered in bits of food and breathless from running away from me. I couldn't help staring at her.
"What?" She scrunched her nose, "is there something on my face?" She asked innocently and I burst out into laughter. My forehead dropped down onto hers and I nuzzled against her before pulling away.
"Ready to be a Mom?" I grinned at her as she looked at me confused. I whistled and everyone stopped again. "Let's tidy up! If you are caught slacking, Minhee is dishing out punishments for ruining her effort in breakfast."
"Wha- Mark!" Minhee rolled her eyes at me and jabbed me in the stomach. I snorted and she grabbed a broom.
It took us two hours to clean up and by the time we were done, Jisoo had to leave. We all said goodbye and then we designated time slots to shower.
I took mine first and as I entered the kitchen, drying my hair, I spotted the youngest girl sat on the floor in the kitchen.
"Are you okay?" She looked up with red cheeks.
"Haechan left with Jisoo.. I don't have any clothes to change into." I chuckled at her as she hid her face again, "I didn't want to get mess anywhere so I sat here."
"Come on." I took her hand in mine and pulled her with me. I went into the bedroom and pulled out some shorts and the smallest t-shirt I could find. After some thought I pulled the zip hoodie off my own shoulders and handed that to her too. "Go and shower and we can watch a movie." I pushed her towards the door and then closed it behind her. Five minutes passed before there was a squeal from the bathroom nearest me and Bonnies loud voice called out.
"What is wrong we are both girls! I can brush my teeth whilst you dress!" I sighed and shook my head.  And Bonnie said I was too Canadian for Korea! I snorted and opened my door to yell at her when a small body dashed passed me and jumped onto my bed in hiding.
"Yah, Min?" I reached for the blankets and she pulled them tighter. Bonnie appeared giggling, "what happened?!" I looked at my best friend incredulous.
"All I did was compliment her butt" she shrugged and giggled some more, "I never actually looked! She was showering at the time." The girl rolled her eyes as I attempted to coax the younger girl out of her den.
"Can you leave?" I sighed looking over at my friend, "I don't think she will come out with you there." I tried to hide a laugh as Bonnie grinned back and then made her exit loudly.
"I'm leaving now Minhee! It's safe to come out!"
I waited until I heard the door close before I pulled the quilt off the girl with force. I climbed onto the bed quickly and pulled the covers over us both. Minhee has rolled over at this point and was looking at me curiously.
"I like this hiding place!" I declared dorkily. A big grin on my face, "what are we hiding from?" I tried to make it seem like a game, it was working, I saw her smile.
"I get embarrassed about my body easily..." I heard her mumble, "Donghyuk Oppa used to tease me a lot when we were little. Jisung too. Though, he stopped when we hit high school. My older sister is skinny, beautiful, smart and she is married to a damn model for Christ's sake!" I saw her pout with a frown, "I have a big act to follow, I chose to be a dancer, so I'm conscious of how I look." It was then I remembered her saying she had started dieting. I was about to tell her she should stop dieting, eat loads and be healthy. I would still feel the same way no matter what she looked like. I wanted to tell her how I wanted to wrap her up and protect her against all the negative things in the world. But, I knew that wouldn't help. As an idol I know how important image is in the industry, so i completely understood her.
"Hey.." I scooted down and opened my arms offering to hug her, she took my offer and lay her head on my shoulder. I leant my head on hers. "Do what makes you happy. Be who you wanna be, look how you feel comfortable in your skin. But, promise me!" She looked up at me and our noses were touching. "Promise me if you do continue to diet, you will do it in a healthy way..." her eyes widened a little and she nodded.
"Do you think Bonnie will help me? She is in good shape." I saw the determination in her eyes.
"I will ask her." I smiled as she went back to hugging me.
"Thank you, Mark." She whispered in perfect English. My heart burst with emotion again. This time, pride that I had helped her through an ordeal and then love as I realised she had felt it special enough to use the language I grew up speaking.
"Anytime, for anything. I'm here for you okay?" I pulled her up to look at me, "I mean it. Even if I'm on tour." I cupped her face and looked as deep into her eyes as I could. "I promise you."
"Mark?" Minhee blushed as I rubbed my thumbs over her face. I hummed questioningly. "Can you make me another promise?"
"Depends on what it is." I smiled at her and she bit her lip. She slowly wrapped herself back in my hug.
"When you go back to Japan, no video calls. Until I'm comfortable in my skin?" I hugged the girl tighter.
"That's going to be very difficult. Can I still hear your voice?" The girl nodded against my chest and I sighed, "fine. But, I'm going to really miss your face." I sulked a little but seeing the girl smile was worth it. I just hoped I could stick to it.
We lay there for a while, until I realised she had fallen asleep on me. I pulled her close and kissed her on her nose as softly as I could, then I wriggled my way out of her grasp and tucked her in.
"I will see you when i am back." I whispered, Before leaving her a note to keep the hoodie and grabbing my bag from the floor, "sleep well, Princess." And then I left to gather the dream boys together and take them home. I had decided to leave whilst she was still asleep. Or I don't think I could have left her.....

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