Chapter 5

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Mark POV

I put my phone away from texting Bonnie as we passed through customs in Japan. Haechan hooked an arm over my neck and grinned.
"Miss Minhee already?" He teased me and I elbowed him in the ribs.
"He probably missed her as soon as she left this morning." Taeyong winked and I groaned storming off to the other members.
"They teasing you again?" Jaehyun nodded his head towards the two members I had left behind, I just nodded.
"You will be back in Korea in a few weeks!" Taeil chirped and I frowned.
"Yeah and then we have the comeback and promotions and then I'm off with Nct U and then comeback with Dream...." I sighed, not that it matters, I recalled her panicked face as she lied to me saying that she wasn't able to wake haechan but she was leaving. "I think I did something to upset her anyway." I loaded my suitcase into the van and almost cussed as win win smirked and whispered.
"You mean aside from kissing her whilst she was sleeping?" He wiggled his brows and I made a note to kill haechan or Taeyong. I hadn't decided which yet when my phone vibrated in my pocket. When I pulled it out and swiped to open the message my face lit up with a grin. Bonnie sent a picture of herself with Minhee and Jisoo having lunch together. I sent her a thumb up emoji and then returned the phone back to my pocket.
"Someone just saw the love of his life." The manager teased me as he leant over his seat and I sighed, my happiness ruined.
"DONGHYUK! IS THERE ANYBODY YOU HAVENT TOLD YET?!" I growled at the younger down the van and he replied sassily.
"Minhee? Though the way
You just shouted, YOU WANNA TELL HALF OF JAPAN TOO?!" The entire van laughed as I sulked and ignored them all for the outside world flying by the window.
"Hey," Johnny nudged me with his elbow, "don't be so sad. My girlfriend is in America!"
"She isn't my girlfriend...." I rolled my eyes. They pulled up to the hotel and we snuck in through the back door. Whilst waiting for our keys, we all gathered in a group.
"Oh!" Haechan nudged me, "pass me your phone, I promised you Minhee's number." I was about to tell him it was fine when he took my phone out of my hand and punched around on the screen.

'My Minhee ❤️'

"You saved it as that?!" I groaned and made to change the name.
"Don't you dare change it!" Haechan dramatically flung himself over the nearest member, who happened to be Doyoung, "He took my innocent baby girls first kiss! And now he doesn't want her!" He fake cried as our elder member shoved haechan off.
Wait.... Shit. Her first kiss?
"Woah! He KISSED her?!" Yuta exclaimed and once again Haechan successfully caused my actions to be the centre of attention. Thankfully, I was able to hide away from them all as the manager returned with our room keys. I thanked whatever higher power there was for rooming me with Johnny. We dragged ourselves up to the room and dumped our belongings onto the beds.
"I'm gonna grab a shower." Johnny searched through his bags for his wash bag and shut the door behind him. I took a selfie and went to send it to Manager Dream. It wasn't until I saw the notification that it had sent, that I realised it had sent to the wrong person.
"AH NO!" I shouted, there was a yelp and Johnny ran out wrapped in a towel.
"What happened?!"
"Hyung....." I turned to him pulling my saddest looking face, "help..."

Authors POV

Bonnie frowned as a tall body took the seat next to her. She pulled out her phone to ignore it as the owner of the body leant on the desk staring at her.
"What do you want?" She snorted as she turned her body away from him.
"I take it Taeyong spoke to you?" Lucas spoke in a deep tone and it made the girl shiver, she hated that. She nodded and then continued scrolling through her Social Media Accounts. It wasn't until she looked up that she noticed him intensely staring at her, still.
"Is that it?" Bonnie locked her phone as the teacher came in through the door.
"For now." He let out a huge grin and Bonnies stomach turned.
"Look the other way. Your face makes me sick." She opened her book and began focusing on the lesson but, she felt his eyes on her the whole time. As the bell rang she slammed her book shut and glared at him. "Lucas! Why can't you stop being creepy?!"
"Now do you get it?" Lucas grinned as he sat back in his chair to prevent the girl from leaving. Bonnie noticed the two girls waiting outside the door.
"What is there to get? Apart from you being a freak, I mean." She stood and sat on the desk behind her, spinning her legs round swiftly and standing in the free row of seats, a smile of victory on her face. She stormed towards the door, only to have her shoulder grabbed and to be spun back round to face Lucas.
"I meant the stares Bonnie!"his voice was raised, "the stares of all those girls in the library. The ones you told about me being in there." He glared at the girl and Bonnie just got angry.
"WORK IT OUT!" Bonnie stamped her foot down on top of his harshly and the stormed back towards the door, "Shall we go?" She smiled brightly at the Minhee and Jisoo and the girls nodded, following the elder out.
"Are you okay Sunbae?" Jisoo questioned with a raised brow. Bonnie nodded and then pointed to a table.
"Go sit! I will grab our lunches!" She smiled at the two and then made her way to the lunch line. She grabbed various foods and snacks, piling them onto a tray and pulled out her phone as it vibrated twice.

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