Chapter 6

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"Jisoo!" Chenle called as he bustled his way to her and Minhee the next morning. Jisung grumbled as he sleepily trailed along behind, "Hyung told me to give you this!" He held out a Jacket that was clearly designed for a male and she took it with a wince.
"That's Oppa's lucky jacket.... why did he..." her eyes widened and she turned to her best friend with a scowl, "we have been here all morning and you didn't think to tell me?!"
"And when were you going to tell me you were video calling Mark?" Jisoo stuck her tongue out as Minhee got caught.
"Woah..." the boys looked at the girls in confusion, "what did we miss?!" Jisung raised his brow and Chenle folded his arms.
"I... uh..." Minhee stuttered and Jisoo rolled her eyes.
"Minhee has been video calling with Mark and I am dating Donghyuk." She pulled on the jacket and then snapped her fingers in front of the males faces. "You guys okay?"
" Okay first..." Jisung pointed at Minhee, "Glad you got passed your idolising."
"Second," continued Chenle, "How did that happen?!"
"He told me the truth." Jisoo shrugged, everyone hanging on her words, "that he asked Jaemin to step back because he is my bias and Donghyuk wanted a fair chance. So....." she put her hands in the pocket and pulled out a candy, "I told him we would try... these are my favourite!" She opened the wrapper and shoved the candy in her mouth. The group watching their friend chew was disrupted by Minhee's Phone buzzing, she excused herself to answer it as Renjun and Jeno joined the others sending the girl a wave, which she returned.
"Sunbae! Good morning!" Minhee greeted, her voice happy and light. Mark sounded groggy.
"I just woke up, but I..." He trailed off, Minhee hummed curiously and Mark continued, "I had a bad dream, I wanted to make sure you were okay.
"Oh... I am fine, I promise." Minhee assures him softly, "What was it about?"
"You...Uh, nevermind." Mark laughed a little, "I don't want to think about it again, I like knowing you are safe." Minhee blushed and it didn't go unnoticed by her friends, they all started making noises behind her.
"Hyung! You made her blush!" Chenle called.
"She is bright red!" Renjun joined in and Jeno giggled next to him.
"Did I?" Mark questioned, his voice suddenly sounded awake.
"Maybe.." she answered. And Mark let out a tired laugh.
"I like it when I do though." He then got cocky, "and that made you blush more right?"
"I hate you... I need new friends." Minhee pouted.
"Friends?" Came his teasing voice, Minhee made sure the others were distracted. Mark teased more and his English came out naturally, "Are you Friendzoning me, Miss Jung?" He gasped
"Why, Mr Lee I do believe, I did just that..." she replied in English just as clear as His. The others raised their brows as the girl switched languages with ease, "Would you like me to take it back?" She giggled at him. There was a long pause and then he spoke making the girl drop her phone.

Marks POV

"Would you like me to take it back?" Her giggle pulled at my heart and suddenly I missed the smile that went with it.
"Most Definitely, friends wasn't what I had in mind." I answered her, and then cursed myself for Minhee being easy to speak the truth to. There was a scream and a loud clattering sound.
"Minhee your phone!" Jeno called from a distance his voice got louder, "Why are you just standing there? Minhee?" The line bustled, "Hyung What did you do? I think she is in shock."
"I spoke too honestly, again..." I had an idea, "put me next to her ear." I switched back to English, "That wasn't any pressure on you... I assure you. But currently, friends isn't the right description for us."
"Then what is?" Her question threw me off. I thought on it for a moment.
"I don't know. But, what I do know is I don't want it to stop." I replied quietly. I was expecting it to get awkward again and have to end the call in a bad way, I didn't expect her to respond.
"I don't want it to stop either..." her words filled me with some sort of pride that I was doing something right. "I have class, text me when you can?" She questioned hopefully.
"You bet Minhee." I grinned and bid her goodbye. I realised at that moment I wanted to start every morning that way, with her.
I got up and showered, making sure to style my hair nicely and then I woke Johnny with a smack to the butt. "Hyung! Time to get up!" I hummed as I continued getting ready, packing things into my bag. Johnny sat up, disoriented.
"You are never up before me..." The elder frowned and I shrugged.
"Get ready, manager wanted us downstairs." I grabbed my bag with a smile at him and whistled leaving the room.
"Someone's in a good mood!" Jaehyun grinned at me as I met them in the lobby. Doyoung and Yuta were with him.
"Yup," I nodded, "I spoke to Minhee this morning." I turned as Taeyong approached calling out to me.
"Well that explains why Bonnie couldn't get through." He leaned on the tall white column decorating the lobby, "she wanted info on Lucas. Apparently, he crossed the line yesterday evening." I frowned.
"Yesterday was her dads charity dinner, right?" I asked, my mind reeling, "Why was Lucas there?"
"His Mom is an investor to the school. She was required to attend, and so was he."
"So what happened?" Doyoung scowled, contrary to his seemingly reserved persona he was very protective over any girls that he considered family. And, Bonnie was one of them. "What did he do?"
"I would prefer not to know..." Yuta twisted his face in thought, "we might have to work with him one day... I can't hate members in the band."
"Then shoo!" Doyoung practically shoved the Japanese Male to the side, "What did he do to our sister?!"
"Well," Taeyong pulled out his Phone to read the text from our friend again, "He followed her round the entire night, interrupted her mingling with the younger guests and caused her to fail her daughter duties at these events." He sighed as he locked his Phone and put it back into his pocket, "She got into a lot of trouble with her dad. She is hiding out at home today."
"I will call her later." I nodded my head as I spotted the others and the manager joining us, "time for work." 
Hours passed and the sighs were simultaneous as we finally got relaxed in the van.
It was now dark outside and I was sure Minhee would be asleep. I didn't want to disturb her, so I had put my phone in my bag. But my eyes kept flicking to my bag.
"Yah! Jisoo!" Haechan's voice reaches my ears as he whisper shouted into his phone. "You can't send me pictures like that! In fact why do you even have pictures like that?! Delete them!" His scowl was prominent as I glanced over at him with a raised brow. "Oh! Bikini pictures from her holiday." He explained before returning to his argument. Finally, a buzz sounded repeatedly from my phone. I will admit I was a bit sad when it was my mom. I answered her and she automatically yelled at me for not telling her I landed safely.
"But Mom, surely if I hadn't it would have been in the news." I snorted and she sighed at me. I reassured her I was fine and then she hung up. It was then I spotted the message icon.

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