A Quick Goodnight Discussion

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You walked in with Bucky tossing your empty chocolate milk carton in the trash "Y/n are you positive you don't know that guy?" Tony leaned against the lab table "mhmm.." you nodded "We we're talking about restoring the land.."  You examined the photos displayed on the screens "Whoever bought the joint didn't take care of the land....They just destroyed and built over it...." you glared at the photos. "See?" Clint raised a brow. "Anyway, I don't think Turkisha knew him if he did, He probably would've had no use for Rumlow..." Steve looked in your direction. "Do you think he knows y/n? I mean about what happened with you and what was left of Turkisha...merging?" Bucky leaned to you "Dont know...maybe...B-But it's makes no sense! Me and Him were the last wolves alive! There should be no more after what He did....and why did he call me a traitor!?" You grew annoyed.

"It's a lot right now y/n I think we just need some time to plan before rushing in for an answer..." The blond placed a hand on your shoulder.. "But the land...Shouldn't I restore it?" He nodded "We Will soon...But we can't rush it and afford an accident.." He pleaded. Your eyes met his you sighed.. "...alright.."
A small bell like sound went off "Who's requesting order on our section again...I swear Barton if you ordered Pizza again..." "Not this time!" He whined Tony looked Over the camera to see Ulric. Tony smirked "y/n it's your boyfriend!" He teased you rolled your eyes. "Hey Clint watch this.." he turned the Mic on "WHO GOES THERE!" His voiced echoed scaring the Agent. The two avengers laughing over the footage. "Let him in!" Steve said annoyed.
"Just-uh!-these needed to be signed..Mr.Stark.." The boy said his eyes looking at you, you catching glimpse "hmm?" You raised a brow. "N-Nothing! Sorry!" You shrugged. Trying to solve a rubix cube. Bucky nudged you "h-hey! I'm trynna solve this.!" He took it from you. "He wants your attention!" He muttered You looked at him seeing him stare and look away quickly eying the floor. "...oh.." you said dumbfounded Bucky rolling his eyes. "Well how the hell am I supposed to know that?" You whispered. Bucky nudged you away motioning you to "make a move". "So..Umm ya like bread Ulric?.." Bucky facepalmed "Sure,y-yeah I do! There's actually a nice bakery uptown...I-I could ugh take you there sometime....I-If you want too! I mean.." he scratched his neck. "Wait is that where you bring the donuts from in the morning for the A4 level agents!?" You grabbed his hand excitedly. Bucky shook his head. As you completely became sidetracked.. Ulric eyed his hand intertwined with yours his face red.  "That'd be pretty cute and all kid, but we got some private Avenging business too take care of..." he sighed scratching his neck

"My bad! I'll just let myself out..!" He backed out of the room his hand slipping away bumping into a wall struggling to not drop the papers. "Now about the a plan?" "Well he obviously knows you...Yet you don't..?" Tony raised brow you just shook your head. "Maybe He Just knows me since me and Turkisha had a soul merge or something...So maybe he recognizes him or what's left of him anyway..This is just all confusing.." Tony's phone went off "Heh! Well it doesn't matter now! What matters now is works over sooo" he turned to Bucky "It's your turn.." he nodded "He placed a hand on the stairway walking up "Me and Sam are gonna pick up some curry from that place.."
"But that's why I don't think it's worth the price.." The soldier spoke playing Mario kart on his phone. His arms hanging off the front of his bed. As you we're sitting on his shirtless back talking to him. Pulling gently on his hair. "Yeah see Steve said the same thing.." "I guess I can wait on my designer jacket and get the shoes then.." He muttered into the bed still concentrating on his game. You pushed off him "I guess so! Anyway I'm going to bed.." You knelt down kissing his cheek. "Night Buck.." He kissed your cheek "Wanna sleep with me?" You shook your head "I'm good tonight-" "You'll come if there's a nightmare though right?" You nodded "Good."  You made travels towards the lab poking your head in to see Bruce and Tony "Hey kiddo.." "Gonna catch some Z's thought I might say good night!" You smiled "Wait! Before you go...Bruce found some more info on that warehouse...it was little  A.I.M facility.." "Better than hydra." You shrugged. "But we can go over the rest tomorrow." A pounding from your head came. "You okay?"

You nodded "Just a headache.." "Sleep on it, er take some medicine THEN sleep..." You thumbs up making over various travels to the avengers room heading back towards your room to say goodnight lastly to Steve, running to him in the hallway. "Bedtime?" You nodded tiptoeing he smiled bending slightly you lips kissing his cheek. You pulled away rubbing your face. "Itchy?" You nodded he smiled chuckling softly. "Come to me or Bucky okay?" "Yep!" You walked into your room "Goodnight!" "Goodnight!"
You changed getting under your blankets shifting wolf you circled your spot shifting human again you nuzzled you pillow hugging it.

2:15 am.
"Hello.." you looked around seeing the wolf "Oh it's you the remainder.." "In a way.." "Ya know we gotta find a name for you, Well I do anyway..Your in my conscious after all.." "Actually it's spirit dumbass, But anyway I came to warn you..About the land...I urge you to restore it, despite your alpha's orders.." "Your crazy it's not safe...In case ya didn't know theirs another wolf out there...and Wow I really adapted to being more human haven't I?" The beast growled "Just restore it sooner I sense a domino affect of change coming to the heart..." You sighed "Ill see with my alpha.." (Just in case some of you don't remember The wolf talking to y/n is the remains of Turkisha that became one with you..in the previous book. So it's not him but it's what's left of him..) Your eyes opened slightly rubbing them. You froze hearing tapping sounds that sounded almost like an animal.

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