A Date with Sense

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You sat up shifting wolf leaning close near the door your purple eyes glowing listening. You opened it growling to see only Clint chatting with Bucky while grabbing a late night snack.
"I swear I wasn't getting any of your treats!" He raised his hands defensively. Bucky grinning sipping his milk. You paws tapped you sniff the air. You gave them both a serious look. "What?" "I thought I heard tapping like-" you paws tapping the floor. The brunette shrugged "I didn't hear anything.." The archer nodded "hmm..When are we heading out for the mission?" He sipped his glass holding three fingers up.. "I have to restore that land soon Buck..I don't know if it'll be too late by then..." Clint opening a bag a popcorn. "You should talk we Cap about it then...Better to go with a plan then charge in...especially with that thing roaming around there..." you nodded looking at the stove clock. 3:32 am "I'll let him know in the morning..." Bucky grinned "Technically it's-" "I know!" You huffed. "Oh that reminds me...Dont be mad but-"
"A date Steve!?" You shook your head "No way!" "C'mon y/n I'm not asking you to go and marry him,But give Ulric a chance..." Sam placed a hand on your shoulder "Think of it like a hangout?" You sighed "alright..But What made you do this anyway?" You raised a brow "Well sometimes if me or Sam run into him during our instructing hours, He'll ask about you..." Sam nodded "All the time.." "I don't have time for developing things like that, I have to focus on being Alpha for the responsibilities of what I thought was the only one...turns out there's another and he isn't doing jack.." "Y/n We'll go restore it soon enough..I promise....Captains honor?" He smiled his blue his meeting your purple ones. "Deal.." "Great!" He smiled gently pulling your arm learning you into a hug. He kissed your temple "Now go get ready for tonight...it'll be fun!" you smiled rolling your eyes "Alright.." Bucky chuckled "Wow we all really switched places and shedded some of ourselves onto her/him..Haven't we?" He leaned against the counter Steve raised a brow for an explanation.

"Your an a encourager like how I was with you in our days remember? And y/n's like-" "Me?" The blond pointed to himself. Bucky nodded "Mmhmm..Mr. I don't really care about dating, just the war.." Bucky trying to sound like Steve laughed resting himself on the counter. The blond rolling his eyes. "Then again..I wonder what I rubbed off on y/n?" He grinned

"Bruce buddy just analyze it.." Tony smiled patting Bruce on the back. "Hey Tony...Woah!" "Y/n?! You were supposed to see this yet!" Tony covered your eyes your hands trying to pry his off. "It's a surprise.." He turned you around walking you back upstairs out of the lab. "But my uniform it's-It's so cool!" "Those are just prototypes not ready yet.." he uncovered your eyes. "Now go..Go.." he nudged you grabbing the tennis ball throwing you shifted catching it. "Y/n!" A sharp voice was heard you turned seeing Sam with Ulric. He was wearing:

His hair neatly fixed

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His hair neatly fixed.
"I-oh Hey!" You shook your fur transforming human. Sam padded his shoulder walking towards the lab. "Sorry was trying to kill some time by bugging Tony.." He chuckled "S'okay R-Ready?!" He smiled You nodded "Hold it!" You two stop you turned seeing Bucky pulled you away. "What?!" He shook his head smirking "Remember what I taught I you About when kiss-" "OKAY.. I think we're gonna miss the rest of the night should we stay any longer!" Ulric nodded jumping slightly feeling a hand on his shoulder. Steve padded him reassuringly "Have fun you two!" You nodded walking with him towards the elevator, the doors ringing and closing.

"There they go...They're She/He goes it seems like only yesterday that we trained her/him.." Bucky grinned. He turned to Steve "Soooo..." he smirked. "Sooo..." Steve licked his lips smiling Bucky sitting up taking his hands into his. "Now that it'll be just us...for a little bit...Ya think we could?" Bucky smirked, his brow raising. Steve smiled a hand running through his hair. "Sure..We got the time..." Steve leaned in. Bucky moving away "Great! Then I'm gonna go hook up the Game cube!!" He dashed down the hall.

You both walked in silent for a moment. You turned your head all different places taking in the nightly glowing views of the city your breathing visible. It was actually nice for once this wasn't some mission undercover nor was this to get any intel. You gotta hand it to Steve and Sam this was pretty nice. You looked at Ulric looking sad in his own thoughts. "Are you okay?"

He snapped his head up "Yeah! Sorry was just...thinking." "About?" "U-m Well for one I'm surprised that you agreed...Don't take it the wrong way y/n but I didn't think You would be..interested..." "Well I'm not one for dating..I don't really know what I want...Sometimes just being an Avenger can be-" "Difficult?" "Well it's not like I can go play for a high school team or something..with my powers it would be cheating...Not to mention my identity is still a secret...And I can't really go to Them and ask them to chaperone for fields trips...Ya know what I mean?" You looked up seeing the bakery you looked down seeing him holding the door for you. "Shall we?" He smiled.

You two sat outside your breath being visible. "Woah, But I mean don't you ever get upset...I mean Fury TOOK you from what you had left...And he forced you to help...Y/n I know you and the rest of them work under him...But that's cold!" You shook your head "It didn't matter by that point...Hydra was secretly planted in shield....And they killed the only one percent of family that I had..." you cliched your hands and softly undid them. "Bloodwise..anyway.."
"So wait! You and Peter DID kiss?" He smiled the two of you finally reaching the park. "BY ACCIDENT! I turned and he just so happened to do the same thing in opposite direction!"  He took a bite from his blueberry strawberry bagel "How does that happen?!" He laughed you shook your head "Don't bring it up Buck and Sam didn't let me live it down for a while!"

You sat next to him He stared into the fountain at his shadow reflection. "Thanks for tonight.. I it was nice to press pause on everything going on...." "No problem..." he looked smiling you read his eyes telling the emotion of Trust, Loyalty and Sadness... "I love...y-your...eyes..." You leaned in close. Looking almost tired His face blossomed with joy at your remark...His eyes focused on yours gently reading them a breathy chuckled escape his lips. He leaned in closer "T....Thanks....." your hands intertwined. About to kiss...your head landed on his shoulder. "Y/n? Y/n?" He looked your closed eyes and veins glowing purple. "What the hell?"

AVENGERS X WOLF READER BOOK 2 (UNISEX STORY) Where stories live. Discover now