Kalico: Wednesday morning after volleyball practice
I had to run to the restroom before I went to see Mr. Coltwright after volleyball practice this morning.
All right, I can already hear the snigger's from whatever nosy people are reading this and you can just shut up. This is supposed to be my private journal, shared only with Mr. Coltwright, my psychology teacher. If this falls into your hands at some future time, consider that yours are probably the wrong hands. And, I can just imagine your 20/20 hindsight and your jumping-to-conclusions grins.
In any case, I disagree with whatever notion and whatever conclusions you are so ready to jump to and conclude.
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NOTICE TO MY FUTURE FAMILY: Mr. Coltwright frequency reminds students, especially me, to write our journals in such manner as to embarrass our grandchildren. Therefore, by implication from the faculty, any grandchildren of mine who comes across this journal are authorized to read it. Anyone else is trespassing.
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So, I needed to run to the restroom before I went to see Mr. Coltwright.
Hypnosis wasn't involved this time; I'm sure of it. Hypnosis wasn't even on my mind. At least not much. I ran to that boys restroom because I really did need to pee, and it just happened to be that the boys' restroom across from Mr. Coltwright's classroom was most conveniently available. And, since it's still summer vacation and the upper floors of the school building are 97 percent empty of students and faculty, I didn't have any problem with dashing into the opposite-gender place for some quick relief.
In fact, it was rather fun.
No it wasn't.
Well, it sort of was.
The relief was fun. I'm not one of those people who like to play pee games, but, really, once I was sitting on that toilet, it was practically pure pleasure to discharge all that fluid. Of course, the moments just before that were max out pure fear and an odd kind of misery. I was totally afraid I was going to wet myself; so it was awfully urgent that I hurry. "Awful" being the operative term here.
This isn't making much sense, at least it's not what I'm actually trying to say.
Okay, it was more complicated than I've been saying, but it seemed simple enough the moment I dashed through that restroom doorway. That was the moment when my morning went crazy.
I feel, now, like I'm rambling and not saying much. So, I'll start over. Maybe it'll come out more clearly this time.
Starting this chapter again
I had to run to the restroom before I went to see Mr. Coltwright this morning.
I ran to the Boys' Restroom to take care of business because my urge to pee was so strong I thought I might wet myself in the hallway. I'm convinced that if I attempted to slow down and simply walk to the restroom, I would have leaked at least a little bit.
So I ran.
Very fast, but not so fast that I missed any steps on the stairs. All the way to the third floor, I put at least one foot on each riser of each set of stairs and landings. I don't know why that's important, but it is.
And when I got to that boys' restroom on the third floor opposite Mr. Coltwright's classroom, I dropped my backpack on the floor just inside its doorway and rushed across the restroom, gathering up my skirt to reach the waistband of my panties. By the time I reached the toilet – the same one I had used during our experiments yesterday and the day before – I was pulling my panties down and was on the verge of peeing anyway because it was so urgent. The whole experience up to that point was pure and total anxiety and misery, mixed with fear.

Kalico 2: Hypnotized & Naked in Hope Springs
General FictionFurther adventures of Kalico Johnson and her friends.