Kalico: New Traditions? Nude Traditions?

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"Titty rump titty rump titty rump rump rump" ~ The Lone Ranger, according to Wallflower.

Kalico and team, Girls Dressing Room, Thursday Morning

Silence followed the coach's whistle and command. Except for the sound of water still running from the shower spigots. That spraying sound disallowed us the experience of Total Silence.

Thirteen sets of naked eyes turned to Captain Janice, or Captain Bligh, depending upon your mood as to what to call our Varsity Captain.

"Did he say what I think I just heard him say?" someone asked.

"That depends on what you think you just heard him say," Janice answered.

"Captain Bligh, the Coach told us to go out into the gym naked, didn't he?"

"Yes, Mister Christian, I believe he did say that."

"Why do you think he said that?"

"Mister Christian, I believe he said that because he wants us out in the gym naked."

"Yes, but why?"

"I believe he told us why before we came in here. He wants to find out whose butts will do what he says, and whose won't. Mister Christian, I believe THIS is the test. This is the drill he was warning us about."

"To see who will play naked?"

"No, Mister Christian, to see who will do what he says to do, when he says to do it. Who can he count on? – who can WE count on, no matter what?"


"Naked, Mister Christian, naked."

Turning to face the team, Captain Janice became Captain Bligh in the flash of a moment and she began shouting orders.

"All right, Ladies of Glory, you heard the coach. If you still have soap or shampoo on you, I'll give you twelve seconds to wash it off. Those near the handles, turn off the water and let's get going.

"Grab a towel and get yourself dry enough so you don't drip on the gymnasium floor.

"Mister Christian, and the rest of you, make up your mind. Are you still with the team? Can I still count on you on this crew? Shall we play volleyball?"

"Play volleyball naked, you mean? Aye-Aye Sir. I am still with you. This sounds totally crazy, but I am still with you sir."

"Thank you, Mister Christian. Yo Mamma! Are your able bodied Freshmen still with us?"

"Yes, Captain Bligh; so far, so good."

Yolanda grabbed the elbow of someone, I couldn't see who. When you have a room full of naked girls, they all start to look the same. Amy was easy to spot, because of her blonde hair. I suppose I stood out because of my red hair. But the Wilson girl has red hair, too.

"Titty rump titty rump titty rump rump rump," Flower sang softly beside me, like the melody from the William Tell Overture.

"What?" I said.

"That's what the Lone Ranger said to Tonto," Flower said, "when they road their horses into a nudist colony. Did you notice how much we look alike when we are all in here naked?

"Yes, I was just thinking the same thing."

Holding Freshman Prisoners

I grabbed Missy's arm and Flower grabbed Shiner's elbow. Yolanda pulled on whoever she had grabbed, and we all moved toward the door. Amy surprised me by how easily she tagged along, although she looked as if she was prepared to be thoroughly embarrassed.

Kalico 2: Hypnotized & Naked in Hope SpringsWhere stories live. Discover now