Kalico: with Wallflower
Gymnasium Side Door
Thursday morning
Wallflower and I had just completed our final approach to Hope Springs Eternal High School, making a mad dash across the faculty parking lot.
I had run fast and naked – I never felt such an adrenaline rush in my life. Exhilarating! What a High feeling!
Our goal was to reach that side door to the gymnasium, press both the front and rear portions of my naked body against it, and then dash for cover to get dressed before anyone discovered us. Flower had put her clothes back on during our encounter with David; so I was the surviving naked soldier pressing onward with our mission.
Just as I leaned backward, resting my weight on my buns, pushing against the door -- "Oh, Crap!" I exclaimed. "I am naked!" I sprang forward.
"Yes, but that was the idea, wasn't it? Is that metal door too cold?" Flower asked. "By the way, you got your hind end dusty when you sat down on the road. You left your butt cheek prints on the door."
While I was leaning against the door, I saw a car enter the faculty parking lot and stop quietly behind Flower. She had not seen it yet.
"No!" I gasped. "It's Coach Ainsworth."
Bless her heart, Flower's reaction was not what I might have expected, given her history of freezing to become invisibly motionless in a crisis.
My reaction was not quite what I might have expected, either. This would ave been an excellent time for a full-fledged panic. Instead, the inner voice of my mind reminded me to "Live In The Moment, Kalico."
Well, another part of me wanted to reject this idea because "The Moment" seemed rather embarrassing. Perhaps a different "The Moment" might be available? Do any shops in the area have a clearance sale with a variety of "The Moments" to choose from? No? "In that case, Kalico, live in This Exact Moment, you can get through this."
This Exact Moment was not so pleasant, either – are they ever? But This Exact Moment refused to go away, so I was forced to face the situation, an Exact Fraction of an Exact Second at a time.
Flower jumped, as if startled, and whirled around to face the car. Coach Ainsworth had the driver-side door open and was starting to step out. Flower whirled herself around again, to face me. Grabbing my shoulders, she shoved me back against the gymnasium door, pinning my shoulders to it. Then, Flower whirled herself around a third time and backed herself into me, as if to hide my naked body from the coach.
This was mighty noble of Wallflower – I perceived her action as the moral equivalent of a soldier shielding his comrade's body with his own to block a line of fire.
Her choice of action did more or less hide my more private parts from view for a few moments. However, it had some drawbacks which soon became apparent.
First, I couldn't breathe. Flower was pushing me with her back against my chest, trapping me against that door.
Second, the coach has already seen me. He knows I am naked. We are so busted. I will have to accept whatever punishment he hands out.
Third, and fourth drawbacks, the coach pointed out to us. In fact, he voiced the same first two drawbacks just noted.
"Wallflower!" Coach Ainsworth said sternly. "Let the poor girl go, she can't breathe. I already know she's naked. You are busted, so live with it. Now, move over because I can't unlock the door while you are blocking the way. And, I assume Kalico plans to get some clothes on before anyone else arrives. So, let's get the door open, shall we?"

Kalico 2: Hypnotized & Naked in Hope Springs
General FictionFurther adventures of Kalico Johnson and her friends.