Kalico: Girls team showers, Thursday morning
Water was still spraying in the showers, shampoo was still sudsy and the perfumed bar soap was washing away the aroma of the girl-sweat combined from the 14 members of the Ladies of Glory volleyball team after our morning workout, when I saw Yolanda grab Amy and Wallflower by their respective forearms.
Yolanda ducked under the elbow of a naked Varsity player who was washing her own hair and pulled the equally naked Amy and Flower toward me. Just for the record, Yolanda and I were also naked. That should simplify the costuming arrangements when future generations re-enact the scene, assuming it's ever recognized as a pivotal moment in the history of Hope Springs Eternal High School.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE TO FUTURE GENERATIONS: You might want to verify with your own research whether this shower scene is truly of pivotal historic importance. It could be that the faculty is only looking for an excuse to have several of you girls naked onstage to liven up morning assembly. Good luck to you if you are selected for the honor. – Kalico
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So, Yolanda pulled Amy and Flower over to me to announce breathlessly that "We gotta meet somewhere soon! We, the four of us, gotta talk somewhere soon."
This appeared to be as much news to the other two members of the Four Clowns huddle as it was to me.
"Okay, what about here, when this crowd thins out?" I suggested.
"No, that won't do. It's gotta be off campus. Far off campus."
"Maybe we meet up at the Glory Hole later? I need to go upstairs to see Professor Coltwright, and, Flower, I need to remind you to go to the office to change your schedule if you want that psychology class."
The four of us were huddling, slightly bending at our waists, naked and dripping wet in a corner of the shower room when I reminded Wallflower to go to the office. Even so, Wallflower beamed victoriously. You would have thought I had just done a posthypnotic trick for her, or followed a secret posthypnotic command that only she knew about. Go figure.
"That won't do either, still too many people," Yolanda insisted.
We finally agreed to meet at Glory Hole later and have our conference at Hope Springs Park which is usually deserted. Meanwhile Flower and I could accomplish our on-campus errands and Amy could get herself into her Dearest Darling pink and be available for errands at the front desk or hallway.
All the other team members were finishing their showers and generally migrating toward the benches near the lockers where they found fresh towels which had been placed by the equipment managers.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Some future nosy analyst may point out that Amy, the rich-girl snob, is ironically reduced to servitude as the towel girl for a small-town volleyball team. Yes, we noted this at the time and got over it quickly because Amy is a key member of the team. – Kalico
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Coach Ainsworth opened the door while we were still naked, drying ourselves.
"Ladies, I just wanted to remind you to hurry and get your wet towels into the laundry hamper so the managers can get them into the washing machine," Coach shouted. "And, Amy, don't put your clothes on until you've transferred the towels. You don't want to get your Dearest Darlings uniform damp."
Bless her heart, Amy is practically an honor roll student; they don't accept mediocre people into the Darlings. But Amy reacted as if it hadn't crossed her mind that wet towels would dampen her clothes. Thus, Amy decided not to hurry her own dressing until the towel chore was concluded.

Kalico 2: Hypnotized & Naked in Hope Springs
Narrativa generaleFurther adventures of Kalico Johnson and her friends.