Kalico: Define a Memory, Paint a Herring

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Kalico: Wednesday morning, Third Floor, Eternal High School

Before I left Mr. Coltwright's classroom, the infamous Room 303, I paused long enough to put my clothes back on and tend to some basic grooming.

My garments were simple but adequate for the warm weather of late August. Canvas sneakers, cotton ankle socks, black lace panties, gray pleated skirt, black belt with silver chrome-plated buckle, a gray, long-tail dressy shirt with a modest collar suitable for necktie. I forgot to pack a bra this morning, not that anyone will ever notice.

Well, ahem, my academic committee noticed, but they don't count. I had shown them several sides of myself that I keep hidden from most people. I began to understand what Mrs. Decker means when she says she wants to "see quite a lot" of me around good old Hope Springs Eternal High School. I don't know how she could ever see more of me than she's seen in the last two days.

The sports bra, sweaty from volleyball practice, was in my backpack, but I decided not to wear it with street clothes. Tuesday's experience of smelling like a sweat-hog all day had been lesson enough.

Would you believe it? I spent most of Tuesday afternoon wishing I could get out of my clothes and take a bath. Was there some double meaning in that train of thought while I was with David? One part of me wanted to learn more about this cute new guy in my life, the other part wished I was naked in a hot tub.

That notion about wanting to take a bath lasted until I reported for volleyball practice yesterday. Upon my arrival at the gym, the first thing they did was to strip me naked and toss me in the shower.

The only reason my bra matters, or the lack of it, is that I promised Mom, sort of, that I would try occasionally to overcome my tomboyish behavior and act more like a girl.

Mom can't have everything in her campaign to feminize me. I wore a bra with a skirt and blouse two days ago, to make a feminine first impression on the faculty at school. That should count for something. Today I'll have to go without the bra, as if I've got enough breast material up there to notice anyway.

If Mom or anyone else, wants to make an issue of it, we can balance today's effort, the girl outer-clothes I brought to change into after volleyball practice, compared with my usual scruffy jeans or gym suit, or the Glory Butt shorts. Well, David did seem attracted to my butt in those shorts. That's progress toward feminization isn't it?

The powerful fragrance remained in my clothing from the perfume I spilled down my front before my meeting with the Academic and Mentorship Committee. This flowery aroma would probably help too much in my effort to be more feminine.

The perfume had saturated my shirt, skirt and panties only moments before I went to meet with Mr. Coltwright and that new committee. This smell would probably get an Army platoon excited, I giggled to myself. That hypothetical platoon would be disappointed to discover this skinny chick.

My lace panties will help, too, toward my feminization effort. Nobody will see them, of course, but I will know they're there. I wonder if secretly wearing lace panties makes a girl walk any differently, more feminine. Don't count on it.

I considered whether to pull my hair back into a ponytail, but decided for the longer down-to-the-shoulders look. No pigtail braids this time. I combed my hair, with a nice, nearly straight part, and inserted a few hair clips.

One last look in the mirror: Hmm, no lipstick. I never wear lipstick, why do I think of it now? Because I've decided to look and act more like I'm a girl. Too bad, I didn't bring any lipstick. It's naked lips for me today, baby. Actually, I'm only halfway interested in cranking up my girlish image. If I'm not female enough for you the way I am, you can bite me.

Kalico 2: Hypnotized & Naked in Hope SpringsWhere stories live. Discover now