Kalico: Thursday morning, Bus Stop Bench at Johnson Farm
An Awkward Moment
A bit of a strained silence fell between Wallflower and me.
She wasn't pouting; she was not behaving as if her feelings were hurt. But I had a feeling inside me that somehow I had let her down, and that she was being polite about it.
I knew that she enjoyed walking naked in the moonlight. I knew, also, that she had set great store by her plan to walk naked up the road toward Hope Springs, perhaps the entire two miles to Hope Springs Eternal High School. Just for the fun of it, she would have done it in the pre-dawn darkness.
If my family had not moved-in with Granny Johnson over the weekend, Flower would have been the only kid living down this way. If my family had not moved here, Flower and I would not have met on this very same road (we having collided only a few feet from this very same bench in the darkness the other morning) and I would not have interfered with her plans. She would have been free to walk the three miles from her house to school naked, if that was what she wanted to do, with no disruption from me.
Now, here she is standing near me, looking like a naked fairy princess in the light of the full moon, about to put on her clothing, all on my account. She is making no complaint about it, but I still feel as if I have let her down.
And other odd emotions mixed in for me, all at that same moment.
I am still trying to figure out one of the key-most of those strange feelings. It was like "unfinished business." Something I needed to do. Not that very instant, I didn't need to do it, but it was like something I needed to do real soon. You know the feeling you have when you have blown off a homework assignment and you are more worried what the teacher will think of you than the actual bad grade you might get?
Flower was gathering up her shirt-dress from the wagon, preparing to put it on. Two or three or four things about it caught my eye, and I suppose I might have been staring, too.
The dress. The wagon. Some unfinished business which I could only vaguely define. And naked Flower, so graceful in the moonlight.
The dress. Its top portion is like a polo shirt made of knit fabric. Well, it practically is a polo shirt, only it extends farther down the body than ordinary shirt-tails. Like my own pull-over polo shirt, the neck hole could expand by unfastening three little buttons down the front of the garment.
In the moonlight I couldn't tell its exact color, but I assumed it was the same faded yellow and orange outfit she had worn on previous days. (I have a suspicion Flower does not have a lot of clothes. This is a point to check out later, without being too nosy into my friend's private business.)
The lower portion of the dress, also made of knit fabric, was like the manufacturer had produced a polo shirt with skirt attached. This was the faded orange part. Flower was preparing to lift it over her head, to put on the garment. This seemed such a significant moment, I don't know why. And, she's going to do it without any underwear. Neither panties nor bra.
Naked Flower. Not that Flower necessarily needs a bra. She has more breast development than me, which is not saying much. Actually, for Flower that's saying a lot. She has cute breasts. Not real big, but cute, considering that she is only 14 years old and breasts take time to grow. (That is what I keep telling myself about mine.)
Flower has a nice figure. Even her bottom is cute. I don't understand her worries about not finding a boyfriend. It seems to me that all she has to do is hang out at some place like the Glory Hole Restaurant and Hamburgers and several guys ought to notice her.

Kalico 2: Hypnotized & Naked in Hope Springs
General FictionFurther adventures of Kalico Johnson and her friends.