Draw on me

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*One month into college*
"Finally home." you let yourself fall onto the couch where Chan watches some anime.
"Awww how was your day?" he asks with a small laugh on his lips. You look at Chan, your head that you've buried in pillows now looking at him with your hair totally ruffled.
"We've to learn the muscles of the upper body and I still don't know all out if my head." you cry sitting with your legs crossed hugging a pillow.
"Would it help if you draw the muscles on me? You did it once with the bones of the hand, maybe it'll help." Chan suggests opening his arms a hug, you gladly accept his embrace hugging him tight.
"That'd be great, thanks Chan, but not today, I had 3 lectures and one practical lesson. I still have the names on me." you show your right arm where all the muscles are drawn. Biceps, brachialis and so on. Today is Friday so you two have two days off, two days relaxing and as well studying. The rest of the night you watch Animes and fall asleep right there. That happens often, especially on Fridays, chan is at college from 6 until 3 and you from 9 until 6 so you're both exhausted, as hell and just relax for the evening.

*The next day*
It's 9AM as you wake up with your head on his chest and your arms around his waist. He is still asleep, with a weak smile you get up carefully not to wake up Chan. While taking a shower you think back to the day when Chan told you he loved you, without knowing it. Until now your relationship hasn't changed, you're still friends, best friends, not that you aren't thankful for having him as a friend but your heart wants more.
/Maybe it's not the right time but what if he just doesn't love me? But he said he does, but did he really meant me? Maybe he knows another (Y/N)?/ your thoughts run wild not letting you shower in peace. As you get ready and open the bathroom door chan stands right in front of it about to knock on the door.
"What a timing." he laughs making you laugh too, you switch your spot as he locks the door behind him. You let out a deep breath walking into the the kitchen preparing breakfast for you two. A few minutes later chan gets out of the bathroom, shirtless. Not that it happens rarely since you told him that once you see a body you'd automatically learn threw analyzing the muscles and their names. So he either wants you to learn or to tease you.
You eat breakfast and he's still shirtless, kinda odd.
"I know you rarely wear a shirt but at breakfast?" you ask him.

"Well you said you wanted to study on me so I'm ready whenever you want." he answers winking at you. You bite your lip looking back on your breakfast again, no matter how often you saw him shirtless it always has the same effect on you, falling more for him if that's even possible.
After breakfast you get your body pens to draw on chan, when you get back to the lifting room chan already sits on the sofa with legs crossed looking threw his phone. You sit in front of him opening your laptop looking at a test your teacher put online for all students so you can study.
"Okay the first muscle on the list is the biceps brachii short head." you announce shifting your attention to chan.
"I only understood biceps." he laughs flexing the muscle, either to make it easier for you to outline it or to show off. For outline the right muscle you need to "poke" into the arm to find out where the muscle begins and ends, so while drawing you feel how freaking trained that boy is and that's hella fit.
"We should do this more often, it's so easy to find the muscles on you." while drawing the latussimus dorsi, the biggest back muscle, you can finally admire his body without him seeing since you sit behind him now.
"What can I say I love to workout and look hot." he laughs which causes you to laugh as well.

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