Stop teasing

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"Seems like I profit from that as well. Can you look at the document please, which muscle is next?" you ask as chan looks it up.
"Rectus abdominis." he says, you blush a little thinking about that you can, finally, touch his abs. Chan turns around already knowing which muscle it is. You bite your lip getting closer towards him hesitantly starting to draw. You begin at the abs lining every part out.
"Why are you drawing that far above?" chan asks confused, you explain him that the abs go further up and further down, exactly one pack (one on both sides).
"Your abs go up to your sternum and down to your... well I won't draw there." you shake your head making chan curious. (Let's just say it's too close to his private parts)
"Tell me." he pouts but you shake your head even more, he thinks for a second and then takes out his phone searching on google. Now he has a smirk on his lips.
"Oooh so thats why you're red like a tomato."
"Oh shut up, I won't draw until THERE." you protest crossing your arms looking away. He takes your chin in between his thumb and and finger turning your head so you face him. His face is close to yours and the whole world stops for a short moment.

"W-what the hell chan?" you push him away which reddens your face even more.
"I told you that you can draw everywhere on me." he says not moving a bit as he lays on his back still eyes locked on yours. You gulp feeling the tension.
"You know what, let's move onto the next muscle... The external abdomin-" you really want to trow your laptop out of your window right now. /Is this a joke/ you think getting closer to chan getting ready to draw.
"Chan can you please sit up? I can't draw this way." you ask, trying your best to sound calm.
"You can sit on my legs, I'm too tired to get up." he says but you can't believe your ears, what has gotten into him? Whenever you'd compliment him on his wel trained body while working out together he'd get shy, say thank you and give a compliment back and now he's so confident that he asks you to sit on his lap while drawing on him. You don't understand anything anymore but his offer ain't bad so you just do so, you want to learn and that's yo0ur priority right now (we all know it's not, just a good reasoning for doing that).
Now you sit on his lap right now drawing over his rips and in the corner of your eyes you can see him licking his lips.

"You act quite odd lately, maybe you should get more sleep." you tell him knowing that he mainly stays up all night composing songs.
You'd always ask if you could listen to one but he'd always say that they're not finished.
"You know that I love to produce music, I'd rather stand up all night than not produce." he answers with a sleepy smile on his lips.
"Why don't you take a nap?" you suggest putting your pen down, he shakes his head.
"I'm not even tired." he yawns, what an irony.
"Yeah sure." you start sarcastically "You need sleep chan, pleeeaaase just go to sleep." you beg, he sometimes falls asleep while eating so it's natural that you're worried.
"Okay." he smiles devilishly and pulls you into an embrace, now you're on top of him with your head on his chest with him hugging you close.
"Let go of me Chan!" you protest trying to free yourself but he's a bit stronger than you.
"If you want me to sleep you need to cuddle with me he now puts his legs around yours so you're completely trapped, not being able to move and pressed to his still shirtless body.

After 1 hour you wake up again, not even remembering how you fell asleep, you don't lay on top of him anymore, rather beside him with your head on his chest. The two arms around you make you feel safe and not trapped anymore, your arms are around his waist with your right hand placed on his abs. Holding onto him like a pillow you feel that two eyes look at you. Looking up and seeing chan looking at you with loving eyes you unknowingly lean in, Chan shift his gaze from your eyes to your lips to your eyes. He leans in, your lips only a centimeter apart...

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