Chapter 1

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It had been a week since the Reach invasion was stopped. Life for the super heroes finally seemed to be going back to normal. Well, for most super heroes...

Bart was buzzing with excitement. Literally. He was sitting on the couch in Barry Allen's living room. He was tapping his foot using super speed and it was starting to get on Barry's nerves. "Calm down kid. They'll be here any second."

Bart stopped his tapping and blushed "But what if they forgot? Or what if they decided they didn't want to hang out with me anymore? I probably annoyed them, or..." just then the doorbell rang. Bart was up in an instant.

He opened the door excitedly, however, no one was there... He started to close the door sadly when suddenly three figures jumped out in front of him. "Boo!" they all yelled at once. Bart jumped in surprise and fell onto his back.

The three started laughing "You should have seen your face!" Jamie was in tears.

"It was priceless!" Gar added.

Tim was grinning as he held out a hand and helped Bart up. "It was pretty funny..."

Bart huffed "You guys are the worst..." he waited a second before the four started laughing again.

They heard laughter from behind them "Oh man, this is totally going in the Flash Family photo album!"

Bart turned around and saw Wally and Dick had just walked into the room. Wally was holding a camera and was grinning like an idiot. "Hey!" he ran over and took a look at the camera. He had perfectly captured his fall. "Ugh, you didn't even get my good side!" everyone started laughing again.

Dick grabbed his car keys "Ok everyone, let's head out." Tim, Jamie, and Gar had invited Bart to go to the mall with them. Dick and Wally had offered to drive them there since they were seeing a movie with Artemis and Zatanna.

Bart was grinning "I don't know what a 'mall' is but I'm still excited!" they all laughed at him thinking he was only joking. He wasn't...

~time skip~

"Alright, everyone out!" Wally said as they pulled up to the front of the mall.

"We'll be back in a few hours," Dick said as they got out of the car. "Have fun!" they then drove off.

Tim, Jamie, and Gar were walking towards the doors when they noticed Bart wasn't next to them. "Bart?" they turned around and saw that he hadn't moved from the spot Dick had dropped them at. He was standing completely still (which was weird enough for Bart) and he was staring up at the building with wide eyes.

The three walked back over to him. Jamie waved a hand in front of his face "You okay amigo?"

Gar poked his cheek "Anybody in there?"

Bart just kept staring up at the building...

~flash back~

"Nathanial... what was this place?"

Nathanial and Bart were on the run from the Reach trying to find parts for their time machine. Right now, they were standing in front of a huge building with broken windows. Some walls were collapsed, and most of the roof was gone, but for the most part, it was still standing.

Nathanial gave him a small smile "This is what remains of the 'Central City mall'. It was destroyed not long after the Invasion."

Bart continued to stare up at the building "What's a 'mall'?"

Nathanial bumped him in the shoulder "Come inside and I'll show you..."

~end flash back~

"Bart!" they all yelled at once.

A Speedster's Past and A World's Future (A Young Justice Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now