Chapter 5

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Ever since Barry and Iris had seen the scars on Bart's arm, they had been keeping a closer eye on him. Unfortunately, Bart was well aware of this. He did everything in his power to keep himself from getting into awkward conversations. Like the topic of his scars. Or his eating habits...

It had been a week since the nightmare, and there was an attack in Central City. Wally had been visiting, so he joined Barry and Bart in taking down the threat. The three speedsters ran to the scene, Central City Bank.

When they got there, they were met by the likes of Captain Cold and Heat Wave. "You two get the civilians out of here!" Barry commanded as he ran off to distract the villains.

Wally and Bart carried the hostages out of the building in a flash. Once they were finished they ran back in to help Barry.

"Ha! You're getting old Flash!" Cold taunted. "Now you need two punk kids to help you finish the fight! You're losing your touch!"

Heat Wave laughed as he tried to hit Wally with a blast from his gun. "Even with the hired help, you're not going to beat us Flash!"

"Who said we're trying to beat you?" everyone looked over at Bart confused.

"Um... that is kind of the main idea..." Wally muttered.

"Oh? I thought we could just let them you know, take the money. Just this once, they did work really hard to get it..." he looked over at Barry and gave him a wink.

Barry knew he was up to something and gave him a small nod "The kid's right, you can go just this once..."

Wally's eyes widened "What?! Have you too gone insane?!"

"Well, don't mind if we do..." Heat Wave picked up the bags of money and walked out the door. Captain Cold could tell something was wrong, but he had no idea what it was. He picked up a couple bags and followed his friend out.

Barry looked over at Bart "Please tell me you have a plan and we didn't just let to crooks go for nothing."

Bart grinned "Any minute now..."

"Hey, where's all the money?!" three masked men with guns suddenly ran into the room. Wally and Barry were about to attack when Bart stopped them.

"Two gentlemen took the money and ran that way boys." He pointed out the door. "If you hurry you can catch them." They nodded and ran in the direction he pointed.

"More bank robbers?" Wally asked.

Bart nodded "I saw them scoping out the place while we were helping the hostages. It turns out they had planned to rob the bank the same day as Cold and Heat Wave. I figured we might as well take them all down at once instead of two separate fights."

Barry laughed "What do you know... well, let's got get them!"

The three ran outside and saw that Cold and Heat Wave were having a shootout with the other robbers. The three were quickly able to disarm the crooks. The police arrived a moment later and started hauling them into police cars.

"You won't get us next time Flash!" Captain Cold yelled as he was put into a car.

"Yeah! What he said!" Heat Wave was thrown in right after him.

"Good work in there kid." Wally patted Bart on the shoulders. "You know, one of these days I'm going to retire for good. At that point, Central City could really use a Kid Flash."

Bart's eyes widened "Really?! You mean it?!"

Wally laughed "Yeah, I mean it. But don't worry, I'll still be around for a while."

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