Chapter 2

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Barry woke up at five to get some breakfast and relax for a bit before heading into work at six. Sure, he had super speed, but that didn't mean Detective West wouldn't still be mad if he came in late. Word of advice, it usually isn't a good thing to make your father in law mad at you a few months before he becomes a grandfather.

When Barry came downstairs he was surprised to find Bart laying on the couch staring up at the ceiling. "Good morning." He greeted.

Bart sat up and grinned "Mornin' Gramps!"

Barry ran into the kitchen getting a cup of coffee before sitting in the chair across from him. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Early?" Bart raised an eyebrow. "I actually slept in today. Normally I get up earlier."

Now Barry was confused "What time do you normally get up?"

"Three." He answered "Today though I slept in until three-thirty. Being in the past is spoiling me!" he grinned.

Barry almost choked on his coffee "Three in the morning?! Bart, why in the world do you get up so early?!"

Bart shrugged "In the future, everyone wakes up earlier. We go to bed later too. Humans have evolved to need less sleep. That's what the scientists are saying at least."

"Interesting..." Barry drank the rest of his coffee and went off to make himself some breakfast. He offered to get Bart something, but he said he already ate. He hadn't.

~flash back~

"Come on Nathanial... five more minutes?"

Nathanial sighed as he continued to shake the teenager "Sorry Bart, but we need to keep moving. You know we can't stay in on place too long."

Bart sighed and stood up from the cave floor. "What time is it anyway?"

Nathanial shrugged "No clue. It's early though. But I have no real way of telling the time." He could see Bart was looking defeated. He needed to cheer him up somehow. "Hey, did you know, back in the day, when you could still see the sun, people used to be able to tell time by measuring shadows?"

Bart perked up a bit "Really?"

He nodded "Yeah! Only, that is like, super ancient technology. The time you'll be going to will have clocks everywhere! Everyone is allowed to have a clock. Heck, some people even wear them on their wrists!"

Bart grinned "Now that is crash..."

~end flash back~

Barry ate his breakfast quickly then went to sit back with Bart. They sat in silence for a moment before Bart broke it. "Could you teach me how to read a clock?"

Barry looked up at him surprised "You don't know how to read a clock?"

He shook his head "In the future, all of our clocks are digital. I want to be able to read the ones with hands. If it's too much trouble, then don't worry about it..."

Barry smiled at him "It's no trouble, Bart." He stood up and knelt down next to him. He held up his wrist to show him his watch. "So, this hand tells the hour, and this one the minutes, some clocks have a hand for seconds but not all of them..."

It took a little bit, but Bart was finally starting to get it. "So right now, it's... five-thirty?"

Barry smiled "very good!"

Bart was very happy with himself. "So, do a lot of people have mini clocks like that?"

"You mean a watch?" Bart nodded "Yeah tons of people have them. Although, a lot of people just rely on clocks on their phones now. But people still wear watches."

A Speedster's Past and A World's Future (A Young Justice Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now