Chapter 6

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It was just a normal day at the cave. The team were in the middle of a training session led by Black Canary. "Ok everyone, that's enough." They had been sparring but as soon as she spoke they all stopped. "We are going to be trying a new type of exercise today." Red tornado walked int the room carrying some kind of box.

Gar nudged Tim's shoulder, "I bet it's an obstacle course"

Jamie raised an eyebrow "What makes you think it's an obstacle course?"

"Because an obstacle course would be really fun." He answered.

"just because it would be fun doesn't mean that's what we're doing." Tim replied.

"But, just think of how fun an obstacle course would be!" he said excitedly.

Jamie rolled his eyes "All Red Tornado did was bring in a box, how could that be an obstacle course?"

He shrugged, "Maybe it's inflatable."

Bart chuckled as he watched his friends argue about obstacle courses. What's an obstacle course again?

"Ahem." Black Canary cleared her throat, and everyone stopped talking. "Most of you have powers and are very skilled at using them. But some villains have ways to take your powers away. Today we will be practicing without powers so that you can be more skilled in your own abilities.

Red tornado opened the box and revealed a stack of inhibitor collars. Bart's eyes widened in fear.

Black Canary continued "you all will be receiving an inhibitor collar. Don't worry, the shocking and locking mechanisms have been disabled. Any of you with powers please come get a collar."

Tim smirked as his friends grumbled about not being able to use their powers. Jamie and Gar slowly followed the other heroes to the collars. Tim then noticed Bart standing in a corner. He looked scared. "Bart what's wrong?"

"I'm not wearing one of those." He answered shortly.

Black Canary heard him and walked over. "Is there something wrong?"

"I'm not wearing a collar." He said again.

"I know you like your powers Bart, but it's for training." She tried to reason. "Besides, it won't be able to shock you, and you can take it off whenever you want." She grabbed one out of the box and showed him how it unlocked. "See?"

He shuddered as soon as he saw it "Never again..."

Tim was about to say something when suddenly Jamie and Gar walked up behind Bart wearing collars. "See Bart, we're wearing them. They don't hurt at all!"

"Just try it." Jamie had an extra collar in his hands and without warning snapped it around Bart's neck. Bart's eyes widened in terror.

~flash back~

Bart was running as fast as his legs could carry him. Which wasn't very fast with this collar wrapped around his neck. He could see the camp gates in front of him. They were just a few yards away. If he could make it out those gates, freedom would be his. Suddenly, a fierce pain shot through his body.

Bart collapsed to the ground and screamed in agony. He convulsed as the shocks emanating from the collar coursed through his body.

A Reach agent walked up to him. He spoke into a walkie talkie. "Prisoner '52938' tried to escape again."

A voice from the other end spoke "Keep the shocks going until it passes out. Then take it back to its cell."

Bart continued to scream and convulse until his voice was hoarse. After several minutes his vision faded to black.

A Speedster's Past and A World's Future (A Young Justice Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now