Chapter 7

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It had been nine months since Bart's arrival in the past. It had also been nine months since Iris became pregnant. It had now been a week since Don and Dawn Allen were born.

Joan and Jay insisted on throwing a party for Iris and Barry at their house. Dozens of different superheroes stopped by to meet the twins. The party had been going on for several hours and the house was finally starting to thin out. The only guests left were Bruce, Clark, Dianna, Hal, Oliver, Dinah, Dick, Zatanna, Artemis, and Wally. And Bart of course.

Dick, Zatanna, Artemis, and Wally were sitting on the floor of the living room playing a game of Uno. They had invited Bart to play with them, but he declined. He had no idea what 'Uno' was, and he didn't want them to ask questions. He thought Nathanial said Uno was the word for some number in a long-extinct language, but he could be wrong.

The adults were sitting on the various chairs around the living room. They were making light chit chat, not really focusing on any topic in particular. Bart was sitting by himself in a chair in the corner. He was playing with the watch that Barry had given him. Everything was going great until a loud crying came from the couch.

Bart looked up and saw that the baby in Iris' hands had woken up. And they were not happy. "Oh, Don... shh shh. Go back to sleep..." She tried to get him to calm down, but it wasn't working. "I'm sorry about this, let me take him in the other room.

Bart saw an opportunity. She was started to get up when he walked over to her. "You keep talking, I can take him."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"You need a break. I'll go sit with him in the kitchen." He smiled. "We can have some father-son bonding time."

Barry chuckled as he held Dawn in his arms. "Let Bart take him, Iris. He's right you could use a break."

She sighed "All right," she gently handed the crying baby over to Bart.

Bart slowly walked into the kitchen out of earshot from the others. He pulled out a chair from the table and sat down. "Calm down... you don't have anything to cry about..." the baby slowly started to calm down as Bart moved him gently back and forth in his arms. "there... that's better." He stopped crying.

Don reached his small hand out and touched Bart's nose. Bart laughed "My name is Bart." He took the hand and shook it. "You don't know me yet, but I'm your son from the future. It's nice to finally meet you." His smiled faded. "I've actually never met you before either, so this is a new experience for both of us.

Don looked up at him with big eyes like he was listening to every word he said. "I do know a lot about you though," Bart continued. "I know that when you grow up, you're going to meet a super nice lady named Melonie. You both eventually get married and you become a superhero. You and mom eventually join the resistance and mom becomes pregnant with me." Bart looked down at him sadly. "I'm sorry, I would tell you more, but that's all Nathanial knew about you."

Bart ran a hand through his hair. "Can you keep a secret? See, I'm getting really stressed out about not being able to tell anyone about this stuff. You see, I have all this super-secret info rattling up in my head, but if a tell anyone the universe will be moded!" For emphasis, he knocked on his head. Don laughed at the funny face he made.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but you can't tell another soul! Deal?" he took his hand and shook it. "Okay, so basically, I'm from the future. I told everyone that I came here as a tourist, but that's not true. I'm actually on a top-secret mission. You see, the world is pretty messed up where I come from. And there are certain events that led up to the world going bad. I came back to fix those events."

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