Chapter 8

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The date was December 24th. Bart had been over at Jamie's house that morning playing video games. They had just finished, and he was one his way home now. He wasn't really paying much attention as he walked into the house. He heard talking in the kitchen, so he started to make his way there. But when he walked into the living room, he stopped. His eyes widened at what he saw.

He ran into the kitchen and saw Barry, Iris, Wally, and the Garricks sitting at the table. "Grandpa! There's a new villain in the living room!"

Barry's eyes widened, and he ran into the living room. Everyone else followed. "Um..." Barry looked around. "Bart, what are you talking about?"

"Look!" he pointed. "someone grew a tree in the living room!"

Everyone looked at each other then started laughing. "Okay, I've got to admit..." Wally chuckled. "That was funny."

Bart just stared at them "Why are you guys laughing?! There's a glowing tree growing in the house!"

The laughter stopped, and they became concerned. "Bart..." Iris put a hand on his shoulder. "This is a Christmas tree. You've seen a Christmas tree before, right?"

"No. Should I have?" their eyes widened.

"Don't you have Christmas in the future?" Joan asked.

Bart looked confused. "What's Christmas?" They were beyond concerned now.

"It's a holiday Bart." Barry tried to explain. "It's the biggest holiday of the year. You mean there's no Christmas in the future?"

He shrugged not knowing what the big deal was. "Maybe they just don't celebrate it where I live."

"Christmas is celebrated all over the world Bart," Jay explained. "It's not exclusive to any certain area."

"Oh..." he shrugged again. "Than I guess it must have gone out of style. Wait, is this the one with the bunny?"

Wally was in shock "No that's... that's Easter... Do you celebrate that one?"

"No." Bart shook his head. "I've just heard of it." He stretched "Well, I think I'm going to head up to my room for a bit. Have fun with your tree or whatever..." he ran up the stairs.

~flash back~

"So, wait... you worshipped a giant bunny in the past?" Bart asked. "That's weird."

Nathanial chuckled "we didn't worship the bunny. It was just like a mascot of sorts for that particular holiday. It was called the Easter bunny."

Earlier that day they had almost been spotted by some Reach agents, so they were laying low in a run-down gas station. Nathanial was trying to explain the different holidays to Bart. He wasn't getting it.

"these holidays sound kind of weird. Did someone just make up a day and say 'hey, this sounds like a good day we shouldn't do anything. Instead, let's make up this bunny guy and pretend he brings us stuff.'?" He asked sarcastically.

Nathanial laughed "No that's not it. Most holidays represented something important happening on that day in history. Christmas and Easter can be traced back to a long-dead religion. The fourth of July celebrated the founding of America. And New Year's Eve was just a celebration of the new year coming."

Bart laughed "yeah no... that's weird."

~end flash back~

For a minute after Bart left, the room was completely silent. Then chaos broke out. The five of them all started talking at once as they tried to figure out how Bart could never have heard of Christmas.

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