The shower situation

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~Your POV ~

( MUST KNOW BEFORE READING The Camp half blood rules are that the tidiest rooms get the showers first which means hot water the 2 untidy rooms get freezing water.)

Being the daughter of Poseidon and Percy's half sister you weren't very tidy so when Connor came to inspect your room you panicked Percy was away and the room was a mess.

So you ended up being the most untidy cabin and had to have cold showers for the day.

Bunker 9 was almost as untidy so leo had to face the freezing water too

"So sunshine looks like your going to freeze to death" you turned around to see leo valdez grinning at you

"So are you valdez" you replied

"Hahaha nope sorry sweet cheeks I'm too hot for the cold." He laughed

"How... Leo how will you not get cold!" You moaned

" I catch fire... So when I'm cold I catch fire so the water is warm not freezing, have fun in the shower" and with that he ran off


It was lunch and you sat alone at your table, you spotted leo staring at you and you blushed. At that moment you had a great idea...

After lunch you dragged leo into the forest and made a deal with him

"Listen valdez il do anything if you let me shower with you...I hate the cold and you can help me don't get any dirty ideas, And only If you wear a swim suit I hate cold water and you can make it hot pretty pleaseeee leooooooo" you begged

"What do I get out of it?"

"Anything as long as it's not dirty" you replied shocked that he was considering it

"How about a kiss then Y/n and not on the cheek" he grinned at you as you began to blush

"Ugh fine but only after the shower" and with that you ran off

It was almost time for the shower and you pulled on your least revealing bikini before heading to the showers

Leo was sat on the bench outside with a smug look on his face, it was the first time you felt really attracted to him

"Hey y/n you ready?" He asked

"Yep..." You replied blushing as he stood up... He had a really nice set of abs you found yourself looking him up and down. Stop checking leo out you told yourself!

As you waked into the shower cold water started to attack you but as soon as leo walked in the water became hot.

Within 5 minutes leo had finished washing his hair and started to walk out

"VALDEZ DONT LEAVE THE WATER WILL FREEZE ME" you screamed grabbing his arm.

" you never said how long I needed to stay... Anyway I'm out of here but you still owe me that kiss y/n"

"Leo" you started blushing "what if I gave you two proper kisses would you stay?'

Leo's hair caught fire as he almost ran at you... " il take that as a yes " you muttered. Leo muttered something under his breath that you couldn't quite hear but you let it slide,

After you had finished you pulled a towel over you leo was completely dry but being the daughter of Poseidon didn't mean you dried quicker you weren't as powerful as percy.

You started shivering until you felt strong warm arms around your waist.

Leo was holding you really close muttering things.

Your cheeks turn bright red then he let's go of you before facing you and holding your cheek in his hand

"You owe me something" he said

Before you could reply Leo's lips crashed onto yours they were warm and soft he stayed dominant his hands moved down to your waist and he pulled you closer deepening the kiss . Your hands were wrapped around his neck and in his hair slightly tugging at his mass of dark
brown curls.

He pulled you closer as his tongue gently sweep across your lips asking for permission to enter. You granted the permission and you started a full blown make out session and it would of kept going until you heard a gasp followed by someone yelling " LEO VALDEZ GOT OFF OF MY SISTER" you stopped the kiss and stared into Leo's eyes he was blushing almost as much as you were. You turned around to see a very angry percy and a grinning Annabeth and piper


"It's not what it looks like percy' you whined

"Well it looks like your In the showers making out with leo!!"

With that percy dragged you away in the distance you heard leo say

" you still owe me one more y/n"

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