The fight ( ball p3 coming soon)

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"how could you do that leo" you scream at him in the dining hall
Most of the camp stood listening, they were used to fights but not between you and leo
"I'm sorry y/n I didn't mean it! Just calm the fuck down!" Leo growled embarrassed by all the audience watching him
"I don't need to calm down! This is your fault not mine" you hiss back poison filling each word
"Please y/n can we take this inside" he demanded
"There's nothing left to say leo we're finished!" You cry before running off to your cabin with Annabeth and piper following behind you.
Leo stood in the hall motionless tears stinging his eyes Jason put his hand on Leo's shoulder
"You ok man?" He asked
"I'm fine just great iv lost my girlfriend because of a stupid mistake!" He yelled back
"Whoa dude don't get angry at me I'm just trying to help!" Jason replied
"I think you need to tell y/n you didn't mean it" he continued
"Well I did and look at how it turned out" he said gesturing at the whispering campers around them
"You two need to sort this out leo! She's just hurting give her time to cool off then try again" Jason suggested

****Inside your cabin****
You lay on your bed staining the y/f/c bedding with tears holding your knees to your chest and struggling to breath.
I can't believe he called me calypso you silently sob you knew he hadn't gotten over her but you hoped you could replace her slowly.
You loved leo with all your heart but his wasn't in the right place,his heart belonged to calypso.
"It's ok y/n he was being an idiot the other day percy called me Rachel! Guys mess up sometimes" Annabeth smiled trying to hide her anger towards Percy's screw up
"And anyway leo loves you we knew him when he was crushing on her but the way he looks at you he loves you" piper continued
"Loved not loves anymore" you cried
"Should we tell her?"Annabeth asked
"Yeah we really should" replied piper
"What are you on about?" You asked
"Leo said.... He loves you more than festus his dragon!" They both said in sync
"And he loves calypso more than me" you sobbed
"That's bullshit! We loves you for gods sake! And breaking up over a stupid mistake is well stupid! Your hurt but think of leo he slipped up and now he's lost the one person he loves and he blames himself! What is your dam problem how can you not see that!" Annabeth yelled
Outside your cabin stood leo he was playing with some wires he always did that when he was nervous
He took two steps forward and knocked on the door
"Helloo-oh hi she's on the bed crying her eyes out piper come on we need to leave" Annabeth called out before pushing leo inside the cabin
"Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I love you too much to lose you pleas don't leave me I need you and I love you so much" leo whispered jumping on the bed
"Please...I'm so sorry I love you more than I ever loved her your my everything!" He whispered in your ears pushing your hair behind your ears and wrapping g his arms around you
"Please y/n I messed up I know but you own my heart I'm yours" he begged
"Leo... I'm sorry I made such a big deal abou-" you started
"Shhh it was my fault you don't need to ever apologise" he said
You looked up at him his eyes were wet as If he'd been crying his hair was messy and his clothes were burned from the fight
"You look pretty bad leo" he teased pulling his hair and styling it before pulling him down so his head rested on your shoulder
"You look perfect" he grinned kissing your shoulder "I really love you leo" you say
You were so comfy with leo next to you, this was the way it was meant to be.
And with that you both feel asleep holding onto each other for dear life

Thanks for reading :) you have no idea how smutty I could of made the ending :/ but I'm not sure if you guys would be ok with that so I didn't risk it :) xoxo Maddie

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