Chapter 1

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Izuku Midoriya sat there on his bed, a blade in his hand. His hands were trembling as he stared down at his already mutilated thigh, letting out a shaky breath. God... What has he done? Everything felt so.. so wrong right now. He kept his head down as he placed the blade carefully against his thigh again, just above the knee.

Slice. Drip. Wipe. Repeat.
Slice. Drip. Wipe. Repeat.
Slice. Drip. Wipe. Repeat.

Within moments, three slightly deep marks were placed on his skin. It burned, but in a weird sort of way, he couldn't feel it.. He couldn't feel the pain as he choked back a silent sob, trembling with every heave. The greenette felt ridiculous.. All of this over some stupid boy..  Katsuki Bakugou...

Midoriya Absolutely hated that man, but he couldn't help but love that stupid blonde. He was harsh.. way to harsh. But for some reason, he was so attracted to him. He couldn't understand why...

Now, one thing that should be noted... In this world, soulmates are connected. There's nothing else to it. If you're injured, your soulmate receives flowers... And little did our little greenette know, that a certain someone was getting flowers..

This god damn flowers...

Bakugou hated them. They came almost every single night and it absolutely infuriated him. He couldn't seem to understand why his soulmate was doing this, and there was no way he was going to his mother or father about this. And so he laid there, simply in boxers. There were small stings every now and then as small, pale blue orchids grew from his thighs. His chest already had a few, but it was mostly his thighs.

The blonde huffed softly to himself as he got up, making his way to the full body mirror in his room. He glanced at the clock and growled a bit. Great. It was only midnight and he already looked like a fucking green house filled with pale blue orchids. Without thinking, he grabbed a flower, yanking. Immediately, he hissed in pain, doubling over. He swore loudly under his breath as he carefully moved to sit down. Right... he couldn't just yank them out. He needed to cut them off...

It was a little trick he learned a while back, when the flowers first started to show up. It started a little over three years ago..

Once Bakugou gathered himself enough, he got up and walked over to his dresser, opening up the top right drawer. He yanked out a pair of scissors and just sat down, watching as the flowers grew from his body. And once it stopped, he began to cut them off.

One by one, blue orchids fell to the ground. He didn't know what he was going to do with them.. maybe just bundle them up and throw them into a vase or some shit. Who knew. Silently, he sighed to himself, finishing cutting the garden off of him. The blonde began to pick up the flowers, bundling them into some sort of bouquet. He made his way to the drawer and grabbed an old shoe string, tying the bundle together. He just sat the flowers on his desk, not bothering to get water for this one.

Eventually, he laid down on his bed again, turning the lamp off. And with that, he curled up on his side, beginning to doze off...

In the morning, whenever the greenette woke up, he whined quietly to himself. It felt like it was freezing in his room... That, and his body felt stiff. Quietly, he yawned to himself and hesitantly climbed out of bed. He didn't want to.. He just didn't have the will to do anything right now.. But still, he forced himself to get ready, ignoring the major pain in his thighs and chest. His thighs were usually his main target.. they were easy to hide and no one ever dared to look down there a majority of the time. Plus, it's not like anyone would demand that he take off his pants.

Once officially dressed, the greenette made his way out of his bedroom, heading to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and fixed his hair, soon scurrying off to the school. Though they were in dorms, he usually got up before everyone else so he wouldn't have to deal with people. Today just felt like it was going to be a long day...

Hello! Welcome to my newest story! It's 2:30 in the morning and I'm winging everything. Joy. I hope y'all will like this.
Just to clear something up, in this world, there are no quirks. Just like the last story. The school they go to is just a normal private school. Everyone gets in with scholarships, enough cash, etc.
to explain the AU a bit better, for those who are confused, it's like this.
If Midoriya cuts his thigh, Bakugou gets flowers on his thigh. If Bakugou cuts his hand, Midoriya gets flowers on his hand. The soulmate receiving flowers will feel a dull pain, but when they try and pull out the flowers, they feel the full affect for a good minute or so. The easiest way to remove the flowers without pain is with scissors. It's easiest to just cut them off. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.
Yours truly, Miles.

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