Chapter 15

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Ya boi is sick, ya boi is tired, and I don't know what I'm doing.
Hey guys! I'm gonna try having a normal schedule again starting November 1st. I've been really busy lately, but I'm doing better! I've met some really great people these past few days, and my mood has been so much better.
And if you haven't caught on, I'm currently sick. Hence the reason I have time today to actually write. I've been on a con crunch schedule for the past three weeks for various events, and it shall continue until Halloween is over. Fun, I know. Anyways! Enough stalling. On to the story! ~Miles

Midoriya was asleep for a while... a long while, honestly. Quite a few hours. He had been so unaware of how he had affected Bakugou... god, he felt horrible.

And honestly, Bakugou did feel horrible. He could've prevented this.... Shaking his head quickly, the loud blonde reminded himself that he couldn't have stopped this. He didn't want to go down that path... He just couldn't. He didn't want to end up like that damn nerd, constantly blaming himself for shit he couldn't help.

The angry dandelion simply let out a sigh, seated on the floor beside the bed. It was almost midnight at this point. He had already cleaned things up and did his best to wash the blood off the greenette, though, he wasn't sure if it was enough. And eventually, the male drifted off, no longer able to help it.

By the time he woke up, Midoriya was gone. Panic settled in as he searched the room, not finding Midoriya. Then, he quickly checked himself over. No new flowers.. that was a plus. And soon enough, he began to wander, just wanting to find his soulmate.

Midoriya was currently in the bathroom, hanging his own wraps. The bleeding stopped, so that was a plus.. Though, he couldn't help but remember bakugous face when he woke up... The blonde had looked so defeated... It really did break his heart. And before he knew it, he was tearing up.

The male quickly finished up what he was doing, wanting to head back to bed quickly. He felt like shit, honestly. Thank god for the weekend.. Though, he would be back at school the next day.

He soon took off, quietly heading back to his room. He occasionally stumbled with out meaning to, taking a few deep breaths to push himself forward when he felt sick. And soon enough, he was back in his room. Bakugou wasn't there.... For a moment, Midoriya felt panicked. But still, he made his way to bed and climbed under the sheets. Tears began to prick his eyes quickly, and he tried to hold them back. But, it was no use. He simply hid his face to the pillows to try and quiet his crying, shaking as he held on to the covers. He couldn't even hear the door open, his head feeling like it was going to burst.

Bakugou had looked everywhere for Midoriya, and somehow missed him in the halls. Though, once he heard the crying back in Midoriyas room, he knew... he quietly entered the room, only to find the greenette crying into his pillows. He could feel his heart ache at the sight.

Quietly, he made his way over to him, feeling pity for the greenette. He climbed in bed with the other and just pulled him close, letting the greenette cling to him. He didn't care about the tears on his shirt, nor any other type of mess. He only cared about Midoriya right now...

He loved him... Holy fuck. He actually loved this damn nerd.

The blonde tried to ignore his
Realization, trying to focus on his soulmate for right now. He carefully smoothed his hand over the others back, shushing him and quietly telling him it was okay.

He's gotten better at comforting people, that's for sure. Though, he still wasn't sure if it would work for Midoriya. And so, he tried something else. He planted a soft kiss on the others head, quietly speaking.

"Hey... it's okay... got it..? Everything's going to be okay, Deku..."

His voice was soft as he continued to calm the other down.

And after a while, Midoriya was calm again. He quietly thanked the other, letting out a shaky breath.

Neither of the boys tried to pull away from the other, holding on like their lives depended on it. It was odd, to say the least. But at the same time, it felt so natural and soothing.. It was kind of nice...

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