Chapter 3

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After lunch ended, everyone made their way to the next class. And this time, Midoriyas face was in clear sight for Bakugou...

The blonde couldn't help but stare for a moment or two, just trying to figure out what this feeling was. Even though the greenette seemed so happy, he just.. looked pathetic.


He looked sad.

Even with that bright, cheery smile on his face, Bakugou just couldn't feel the happiness radiating off of him. It was weird.. Even when he was smiling he didn't look happy... What the hell was wrong with that damn nerd?

Midoriya was seated in his spot, as usual. History.. ugh. He hated this class, but at the same time he loved it. It was difficult to explain, as most things were. Maybe it was the fact that they had things to distract themselves with... Sure, he had a phone, a computer, and books, but it just never seemed like enough.

The greenette shifted in his spot, feeling that familiar, painful itch arising within him. It was horrible.. It's not like he could control it either. He just had to suffer with this constant nagging feeling of 'I'm not good enough' and "I'll be replaced soon.' There was more to it than that though.. way more to it. It was difficult to explain.. That word again.. that phrase.. That summed up a majority of his feelings and thoughts. It was difficult to explain.
It was difficult to explain because even though he was surrounded by people who cared about him, he couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe people cared. They pitied him. 'Pity the fool,' they say. And he was the fool in all of this.. or, at least that's what he thought.
It was difficult to explain that every day, he just didn't want to wake up. He felt like a shell of who he used to be. He felt like he couldn't open up to anyone. That he was simply just some fucking broken toy laying and waiting to be fixed... Every word spoken to him, every action made towards him... It felt like a game. A horror novel type of game.. One that, no matter how hard you try or how many different route you take, you just can't get to a happy ending. Why? It was because there was none. He didn't believe in happy endings. Or.. At least not for him. Maybe for others. He didn't even think he would make it this far...


Midoriya jumped at the sudden bell, having lost track of time. Shit. It didn't look like they had homework, so that was a plus at least...

The greenette soon got up and grabbed his things, beginning to scurry out of the room. He just wanted to break down already.. He just wanted to go to his room and lock himself in his cage.. His prison cell.. His safe zone.
It was a weird way to describe it, but he felt like being locked away was for the best... He wouldn't be able to bother anyone..

The last few hours of class went by roughly... Well, smoothly to most, but for both the blonde and the greenette... That was a different story.

Bakugou wanted to talk to Midoriya. He didn't know why, but he felt desperate at this point. There was this sinking and dreadful pit filling his stomach, throat, and chest. So once the final bell rang, he got up and collected his things, quickly trying to leave to talk to midoriya. But before he had the chance to, he was stopped.

"Hey! Baku-bro! Wanna hang out today?"

Kirishima smiled brightly at the blonde, hoping he would say yes. He wanted to spend more time with him. And though it wasn't obvious, he kind of had a crush on the other... The red head already thought that they would be the perfect match.. and he wanted to talk to Bakugou about it as well. Maybe he and the blonde were soulmates! That would be great. God, he really hoped so.

"Not right now, Shitty hair. I'm fucking busy, now move."

Bakugou just sort of snapped at the other, calmly. It was his usual retort, but he was a bit to worried and anxious. He felt panicked and scared for some reason... What the hell was Midoriya going to do? Was he just over reacting? Maybe...

Kirishima almost immediately noticed the others worried state, though he couldn't sense the others panic. Either way, he was concerned.

"Are you sure..? Do you need to talk about it man?"

He placed a hand on the others shoulder, only to have it be shoved off.

"I said to fucking move!"

Bakugou shoved past the other, not being so nice this time. Something horrible felt like it was going to happen, and he hadn't a single clue as to why. He began to storm out of the room with his things bundled in his arms, ignoring the other.

Kirishima was just standing their now, his bottom lip quivering. He was just trying to help... Was he to pushy this time..? Maybe he just needed space...


Midoriya was now in his room, simply letting out shaky breaths as his hands trembled. Hell, his whole body was trembling and shaking. The feeling was getting worse and worse, and fighting it just made everything so much better. He had both hands gripping at his hair, just curled up on his bed. The tears wouldn't stop falling... He was letting out quiet sobs, not wanting to be heard and disturbed.

The greenette was soon gripping at his sides, shirt off. He needed to relieve himself of his itch... But he needed to fight against it as well. God damn was this difficult....

That's when it happened..
Midoriya began to notice a few flowers grow on his knees. They were Forget-Me-Nots. There weren't many, but it definitely caught him off guard...

Bakugou, on the other hand, was swearing loudly to himself. He fell. On concrete. And now his knees were bloody and scraped. What a fucking joy ride.

The blonde huffed and got up, deciding to just talk to Midoriya later...

If there is a later...

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