Chapter 13

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Alright bitches it's 5AM, I'm running on three hours of sleep and memes, let's do this shit.
My apologies if this chapter sucks. Y'all know the drill.
I also done goofed my hand earlier so that's fun. Now, onto the story. ~Miles

Midoriya was fuming, to say the least. Tears of anger began to prick at his emerald green eyes. The greenette even went as far as kicking the door, leaving a dent in it.

"What an ass! Who the hell does he think he is?!"

The male flopped himself onto the bed, hitting it a few times to try and calm himself down. He felt horrible...

The greenette could feel the tears stinging his cheeks, but he didn't bother wiping them away. His mind began to slip, soon hearing the dark thoughts again. The silent clouds in his mind were screaming at him, it's acid rain wearing him down bit by bit. And before he knew it, he was just angrily crying into the pillow, trying to be quiet.

God, why was he so fucking frustrating? Why couldn't he just take the damn hint that he wasn't wanted?

As the greenette sat up, he began to try and calm himself down, wiping away the tears with shaky hands. He knew he should try and forgive the other, but he couldn't. He didn't want to. He suffered for years because of that bastard, so why did he have to suddenly forgive him because they were soulmates? It's not like Bakugou even cared about him to begin with...

And with that thought in mind, and with the pure rage he was feeling right now, he opened up his dresser and pulled out a trusty blade he had used many times before. His razor. The greenette growled a bit to himself, just digging his blade into his arm multiple times, not giving a single fuck right now. But he did it in more places then just his arm. He did it to his legs, stomach, chest. Wherever he could reach.

And Bakugou was scared. He really was. He was just suddenly covered in flowers.. and as beautiful as they were, he couldn't admire them.. instead, he bolted back to Midoriyas room, not even bothering to knock. He just slammed the door open and slammed it shut behind him, yelling.


Now, midoriya was a bit frightened himself. Who wouldn't be? But instead of showing his fright, he glared at Bakugou, tears filling his eyes.


He was mocking him. Holy shit. Obviously, the blonde was taken aback. This was so far from how Midoriya would usually act. He seemed like an entirely different person.


The greenette choked back a small sob, his anger wavering for a second before completely breaking. He just sat back down on the bed, covered in fresh cuts and blood as he choked back sobs.

"I-I hate you... I really, r-really hate you.."

Bakugou just looked at the other, feeling pity. And hesitantly, he made his way over to him, sighing. He was coated in flowers... as he bent down to be eye level with the other, he cupped his cheek, only to have his hand pushed away. Regardless, he spoke.

"I get it.. you have every right to hate me... I know this shit is my fault.. All of it is.. it could've been avoided if I wasn't such an ass..."

He sighed softly before continuing.

"Can we talk after this though..? We need to get you patched up.."

The greenette hiccuped a bit, giving him a small nod. He shakily reached over to his drawer and opened it, pulling out a first aid kit only moments after. And once it was taken from him, he tried to relax. He felt dizzy and sick.. and he definitely looked pale...

Bakugou just opened the kit and did his best to clean up the others wounds, trying not to get sick. This was disgusting.. how the hell could Midoriya handle it so fucking well?

After a good ten to twenty minutes, the greenette was patched up. He was exhausted though, having gone through such strong emotions in such a short amount of time. He needed to keep himself in check...

The blonde simply put the kit away, moving to sit beside the other. He kept some distance between them though, for obvious reasons. And after a few awkward minutes of silence, he spoke.

"I'm sorry... I really am... I never meant for any of this to happen..."

"Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure 'kill yourself' had made it pretty clear on what you meant.."

Well damn. Okay. Got him there.

"Alright... You got me there.. I did mean it.. I can't deny it.. but again.. I'm sorry.. The shit I say is usually fucking stupid like that.. and as much as I hate to say it, we need to at least work together to get through this shit.. as pretty as the flowers are, I'm fucking tired of seeing them. And I'm sure you're tired of making them too."

The greenette hesitated for a moment before giving him a small nod. Alright.. that makes sense...

"What do you want me to do then..? I cant just stop..."

The blonde sighed a bit, thinking.

"But you did stop.. for a while.. remember? I thought you were done for good but then this shit happened..."

"Oh... right..."

Together, they sighed a bit. And with that, they fell into silence for a few minutes before Bakugou spoke up again.

"If.. you start feeling like you need to do that again.. come to me.. I don't know if I can be of any help, but it's worth a shot.. I'll try to not be an ass.. okay..?"

When he got the nod, he pulled the other into a small hug. It was weird, but before he knew it, the greenette was hugging him back. He momentarily hid his face to the green curls, starting to realize how fragile the other truly was. But at the same time, he was so strong..

And with that, they just sat there, holding each other in a warm embrace.

Maybe things really were starting to get better...

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