Chapter 6

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Holy shit! A chapter coming out at a reasonable hour?!? I know, I know. Shocker. I'm playing DND tonight with the boys for the first time. If any of y'all have tips for me, please share. I don't know what I'm doing. They only want me to play because I'm good at role playing lmao. Now, onto the story! ~Miles

Bakugou began to walk outside, hesitant. He didn't know why, but he had a bad feeling in his gut. Maybe.. he could just talk to the greenette later.. Yeah.. that'll work out just fine for him. That way he wouldn't have to face him so soon. The blonde still felt guilty, but on the plus side, he hadn't gotten anymore flowers.

What if he ended everything though?

The thought quickly came to mind, panic washing over him. There's no way Midoriya would just.. Die so easily. He refused to even acknowledge that idea.

Soon enough, the blonde found himself walking out and to Midoriyas dorm. He paused just outside of his door and raised a fist to knock, but there was something within him telling him not to. Not right now... And so, he took a deep breath, beginning to walk away.

Midoriya was just laying there, staring at the ceiling. He hadn't anything better to do right now, and the fear of angering Bakugou again was nagging at him. The itch was unbearable, but he couldn't. Not now..

The greenette carefully placed a hand over his throat and closed his eyes, carefully applying pressure there. If only he had the balls to actually follow through.. that would be nice. Then all of his problems would just.. disappear or some shit.

He dropped his arm down and just sighed.. This.. was going to be a very long day...

And it was. And so was the next day, and the day after it.

Bakugou hadn't talked to him, yelled at him, or even looked in his general direction. And Midoriya did the same. He couldn't bear looking at Bakugou without tearing up. Just the nagging feeling that something was wrong... it was horrible and so difficult to explain...

One day though, just over a weak after the incident.. Bakugou was running late to class. For some reason, he had spent the weekend with his mom and dad. And now that it was Monday, he didn't want to go to school. But, he eventually dragged himself out of bed and got ready.

His mom offered to give him a ride, but he decided to walk. Usually he wouldn't do this sort of stuff, but he just felt the need to.

The blonde told his mom and dad goodbye before heading outside, popping the earbuds into his ears. He was already an hour late, but it didn't matter. It was just this once, after all.. And as usual, he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking. He went to cross the street, paying no mind to looking where he was at......


Midoriya was just sitting in class, taking notes. That's when he felt it. A sudden jab all over his body. It was difficult to explain, but within seconds of feeling it, he blacked out. It hurt to breath.. he couldn't breath..

Kirishima, on the other hand, was stunned. He heard a whimper and looked around, only to see Midoriya on the ground. He was covered in flowers at this point... they were all over his body, some coming out of his mouth and other areas.


His eyes widened as he remembered what Bakugou has said. They were soulmates. He could hardly breath, trying his best to grasp the situation. He watched, stunned into silence, as midoriya was carried out of the room quickly. The others were whispering, exclaiming their concerns.

The red head stood up quickly, slamming his hands on the desk without meaning to.

"Bakugou- He- he-"

He couldn't even finish his sentence, trembling where he stood. His eyes filled with tears as he bolted out of the room. Students followed after, for some reason or another. He could hear sirens outside, though, he didn't know for who...


When midoriya woke up, he could barely feel his body. He felt sick to his stomach, extremely confused as to what happened. He quietly mumbled, though, there wasn't anyone in the room to hear. That's when he remembered.
The pain.

He blacked out. Of course. That's why he couldn't remember anything else. And just as he was about to try and get up, two people came in. Uraraka and Iida..


Uraraka rushed to the other, tears in her eyes.

"Oh, thank god you're awake! We were so worried!"


It hurt to speak, honestly. His voice was extremely dry and raspy. He'd been out for quite some time, actually. Almost the entire day...

"Y-Yeah.. Umm..."

The female lowered her head slightly, not sure what to tell the other. At this point, everyone knew what had happened.. Everyone knew he and Bakugou were soulmates... That's when Iida spoke up.


This was difficult. How could he tell someone something so harsh?

"It.. May be a while before you see Bakugou.. He's really lucky..."

The greenette was confused at first, but it soon clicked with him.

"K-Kacchan..? What-"

He broke out into a small coughing fit, wincing. It hurt to speak, it hurt to cough.. everything hurt.

"W-What happened..?"

"Bakugou.. was in a hit and run incident... The police are looking for the culprit at this very moment.. But.. his injuries were fatal.."

"You.. You mean..."

"We don't know when he'll wake up.."

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