Chapter 10

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I just wanna start this off with an apology. I'm sorry that I haven't been posting that much. I know you guys have heard this time and time again, but alas, my mental state is shit. I know I have people I can talk to about this, but it's going to be a long, long time before I start to get better. My brother has recently moved back with us as well. He's the one that lived with my father for a while.. So, that's another reason. And to top the cherry on the Sundae, I'm sick. Like, really sick. There's a virus going around and just.. boy oh boy it feels like the Black Plague all over again.
Now, on another note, I just want to remind you guys of something. Life is precious. It's fragile. You haven't a clue of when it'll start or when it'll stop. Please, please, please go and tell your family you love them. Tell your friends, family, pets.. it'll only take a moment, and I swear that it's worth it. Because honestly, you never know when it'll be the last time you ever see that person.
I'm sorry for dragging this out for so long, but personally, I felt like it had to be said. Stories and games can wait for just a little while. Now... onto the story ~Miles

Midoriyas eyes widened as he heard the voice, the tears falling onto his cheeks finally. No... nonononono! This couldn't be happening! His heart began to race and pound in his chest even more as he slowly turned around, looking at the blonde. He looked scared...

And honestly, Bakugou was scared. He was horrified. The blonde was trembling slightly, his eyes wide as tears began to prick at those dull, scarlet orbs. He couldn't bring himself to move right now, looking at the greenette. He was crying... and for once, Bakugou felt bad about it. Awkwardly, he cleared his throat and spoke again.

"Hey.. don't do it please.. please Deku.. I-I'm Sorry.."

And for some reason, just hearing this made the greenette angry. He was upset.. His terrible emotions were forming a fucking hurricane, ready to destroy anything in its path.

"Don't do it? You seriously think that you of all people could keep me from fucking killing myself?!"

He sounded angry, and it took the blonde back for a moment.

"You told me to kill myself! Are you fucking happy?! I'm following YOUR advice, Bakugou! You're the reason I'm gonna do this!"

He didn't know why, but he was partly glad that Bakugou came to try and stop him.


Again, no nickname.. The blonde finally had tears on his cheeks, trying to get a word out. But he couldn't..

"Why do you even bother showing up here? I don't fucking need you. Go play around with Kirishima. You always say how the world would be better without me."

He took a small step towards the ledge, allowing one leg to hand off. And before Bakugou knew it, no one was on the edge... His eyes widened in fear as he rushed to the edge, soon feeling pain and flowers scatter his body. Mostly his back and head..


He didn't bother looking down, just rushing back to the door. He was bolting down the stairs as he grabbed his phone, immediately dialing 911. At this point, he was crying, trying to get the information out.

By the time he had made it to Midoriya, he felt so sure that it was far to late for him. The greenette was barely breathing, a bit of blood around him.. he was pale, and much to the blondes surprise, he had a small smile on his face...

Shortly after, the ambulance and police finally arrived. Midoriya was loaded onto the ambulance while Bakugou was questioned... it was honestly horrible...

The next few hours felt like torture. Bakugou was waiting in the waiting room with Inko and his parents, pacing a bit. He was trying to keep himself from breaking down, but he just couldn't do it.. of course, one of his parents would try and calm him down while the other tried to help Inko.. Bakugou felt terrible.. Inko could possibly lose her son..

And finally, after hours upon hours, the doctor finally came out and walked up to the four.

"Are you here for Izuku Midoriya?"

After seeing the eager nods, he continued to speak.

"He's doing better.. we've finally gotten him stabilized.. He can't have visitors right now-"

Inko quickly interrupted, honestly not even meaning to.

"I-is my baby b-boy going to b-be Alright?"

She was trying not to cry even more.

Hesitantly, the doctor spoke. He hated doing these things...

"Yes.. but there may be a chance at memory loss.. he hit his head pretty hard.. His injuries are a bit rough as well.. You see, your son has a fracture in his wrist now. As well as a broken arm, rib, and ankle.. There's a possibility we may have to perform surgery on his ankle if it doesn't heal properly. It's a rough break by the growth plate in his ankle.. there's a chance it'll be affected, so a correction surgery would be necessary."

Inko simply took all of this in, letting out a shaky breath. The bill was going to be so much.. she honestly wasn't sure if she could afford it.. it's whatever.. at least her baby was alright.. She just gave the doctor a small nod, mumbling a thank you to him.

Bakugou had listened to it all, just feeling so guilty. He was still in some pain, a few flowers here and there. Occasionally, when the doctors had been working on his soulmate, he had flowers grow on him. He felt like a bush... and what made things worse, in his opinion.. now both of their parents knew they were soulmates. No one commented on it, though. And he was kind of grateful for that...

A Flower Per Thought (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now