Chapter 9

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Hey guys! So, a few days ago, some shit went down and now my phone screen is shattered. My apologies if there's more mistakes than usual. I'm trying to catch all of them. The picture below was taken by my mom.

And again, I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long

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And again, I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long. I know I keep using the same excuse, but my mental state isn't the best right now. And honestly, I think it's going to be a long while before it does get better. I hope you guys will understand, and I swear I'm trying. I'm doing my best to make these chapters good, but again, I'm extremely sorry if they aren't. Now, so I don't bore you guys too much, onto the story. ~Miles

The first day Bakugou was back, the greenette was horrified. He did his best to avoid being even remotely close to the blonde. He even went as far as to hide in the boys bathroom for the entirety of lunch. He just... he couldn't face Bakugou right now. The guilt was digging at the greenette, it's claws sharper than any blade.

At this point, Midoriya was currently sitting in the bathroom stall by himself. He wasn't that worried about being caught right now, since he was in the very back. As he flipped through the pages of his book, he could hear footsteps entering the bathroom. Again, he wasn't worried. At least.. until they stopped by the stall he was in.

"Oi, Deku. Get your fucking ass out here god damn it. Fucking face me instead of acting like a little bitch."

Bakugou has noticed Midoriya ignoring him, and he hated it. He didn't know why, but it made him feel guilty. And the only way he knew how to get rid of the guilt was by humiliating and bullying Izuku...

Hesitantly, the greenette got up and unlocked the stall door, peaking out. And shortly after, he stepped out.

Before he knew it, all of his things were on the ground, scattered as he was pinned to the wall. His emerald eyes were wide, small specks of tears pricking at them as his heart began to pound in his chest.



Before he knew it, he was holding onto his burning cheek, the tears falling onto his hand and coating the sides of them.

"Fucking dumbass.."

He was hit again. A strong blow to the head.

"You keep fucking avoiding me! Huh?! The hell do you think you're doing?!"

Bakugou kicked the other in the side, though, as he felt the small pain, he stopped. He had a few flowers on his side now. Clicking his tongue, the blonde shook his head.

"Fucking pathetic, you know that? You can't even fucking stand up for yourself. You should've done us both a favor and fucking killed yourself. It's not like anyone's gonna miss you any-"


Neither the blonde nor the greenette had noticed the door open. The blonde had been too busy kicking Midoriya, why the younger tried to keep himself from breaking down more.

As Bakugou looked back to the familiar voice, his eyes widened a bit.


The redhead was stunned into silence at this point. What was going on? He only came in here because he thought he heard something.. now he just regretted it.

But now he has a choice to make.. yell at Bakugou, help Midoriya, or leave..

The redhead gave the blonde an extremely disappointed look, shaking his head as he began to walk away.

"I.. think I'm done hanging out with you..."

And with that, the door shut.

Bakugous eyes were wide as he realized his mistake. No. He couldn't lose Kirishima.. he glared at Midoriya, trying to hide the tears and fear that stayed out in his eyes. He gave one last kick, kicking as hard as he could.

"Fucking kill yourself!"

And with that, he bolted after Kirishima, calling out the redheads name.

Midoriya just sat there, choking back small sobs. The words were just repeating in his head.. it's not like anyone cared about him.. Hell, his own soulmate didn't even want to deal with him. And with these factors in mind, the greenette nodded to himself. He was gonna do it.

He was going to kill himself, and no one could stop him...


After hiding I the bathroom for the rest of the day, midoriya got up off the bathroom floor. He had his things in hand as he made his way to his locker, grabbing his back and shoving everything inside. He hardly noticed the pitiful looks from Kirishima, or the daggers glaring into his back from Bakugou.

The younger male began to make his way up the stairs, instead of leaving the place. He was so out of it right now, so he wasn't bothering to check his surroundings.

And after a few minutes, he found himself on the roof.. he was alone, at least. He didn't want to be there with anyone else..

As he began to think of different ways to end it, he realized he had a good solution right there.. he could just jump off the roof.. it was high enough, that's for sure.

As he sat the bag down on the ground, he couldn't help but smile a bit to himself. This was it for him. He wouldn't have to deal with it anymore, and he was happy. He was happy to kill himself...

Soon enough, a song made its way into his head. He had listened to it a long while ago.. My R. It seemed so perfect for this situation...

The younger male waited for the students to leave before he took off his shoes, setting them neatly beside his bag. He moved to go over the railing, now holding onto it. His heart was pounding as the excitement rushed through him. And just as he was about to jump, he heard someone shout out to him.

"Hey, don't do it please!"

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