Chapter 7

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Hey guys, I wanna start this off with a very much needed apology. Things haven't been the best these past few days, and I'm trying to work on it. I haven't really been in the mood to do anything, but I needed to get this out so y'all know I'm not dead yet. I'll try and get more chapters out, but with school going on, the stress is unbelievable.
I just wanna say thank you guys for waiting, and I swear I'm trying. Y'all don't understand how much I appreciate you guys.  On another note, I can't promise that these next few chapters will be the best, but I'm finally in the proper mood to write. I know some of y'all say that you guys really love my writing anyways, but I just don't want to be a let down. Now, enough stalling. I hope you guys will enjoy this long awaited chapter. ~Miles J.

The minutes turned into hours and the hours turned into days. Every second of the week felt completely unbearable to the greenette.

Midoriya honestly just felt like a shell now. He wasn't who he used to be. He felt empty, hallow, useless... he was just full on suffering at this point, and there was nothing he could do about it. Everything felt like it was against him, even though it wasn't.

He was barely passing any of his classes, his thoughts clouded and fogged with the thought of his most likely traumatized soulmate.. And on the darker side of his mind... He was terrified. He couldn't relieve himself of his pain like before. He couldn't cut, because then people would know.
They would know about the broken boy within him that's fucking terrified of everything. They would find out that the broken boys favorite past time was to grab a paintbrush known as a blade and carve art into the canvas he called his skin. They would see that any mistakes in the carving would simply be covered with a bandaid and ointment in hopes of removing the imperfection that was his entire being.

And so, the broken boy found ways around it. Instead of a paint brush, it was a light. Instead of paint along his skin with a blade, he would smooth it out and turn it red with fire. How he got his hands on lighters and matches may be forever unknown, but it was his only relief at this point. It was the only thing keeping him sane during this time. Besides the starving, of course. Ten whole pounds lost within the first month. It was a pointless punishment against himself but the greenette didn't give a shit because in his mind he deserved all of this.

The boy was like a piano, of sorts. He never talked, never smiled, never thought out loud anymore.. but there was this peacefully depressing aura that constantly followed him around and played a calming melody of tears whenever he was alone.

And of course, the tears always came when he was alone. But there were times where he silently begged himself to not cry in class. His mental breakdowns were getting worse and worse, coming back more often than not. It was like a waterfall at times, while at other points his eyes were simply leaky faucets that needed repaired.

The male was currently in the bathroom. Now picture this: A greenette curled up in the last stall on the right. The door was closed but not locked, his body shaking and trembling with every silent sob his body heaved. He had his knees to his chest, his head hanging low. He was ashamed. He could barely focus right now and god damn did it suck. He couldn't even hear the bathroom door opening...

That's when Kirishima walked in. The redhead had been falling apart. The thoughts flooded his mind no matter what...

Of course he couldn't love me. Damn I feel so lonely. I wish someone would hold me, hug me, something. Damn.

Then he heard the sobbing. The soft whimpers coming fro the back of the bathroom was enough to bring him out of his heaping and depressing thoughts. He made his way towards the sound and gently knocked on the stall before opening it up. He didn't even bother waiting for a reply..

When he saw what state the greenette was in, he immediately felt guilty. It felt like it was his fault, in a way. Here he was, wishing that Bakugou could've just been his soulmate. And here, with the greenette in front of him.. he felt guilty. Midoriya was the one hurting here, and it was obvious.

The redhead quickly got down in front of the other, carefully grabbing the others hands to try and help in some way.

"Hey.. hey, it's okay.. Midoriya, it's okay.. deep breaths-"

He didn't know what to do.. but somehow, after almost ten minutes, he managed to get the other to calm down enough.

Midoriya, at this point, was simply clinging to the other, his face buried to Kirishimas shoulder. He was trembling still, but at least he stopped crying. And honestly, Kirishima was grateful for that.

And so, there they sat, silence flooding and blaring in both of their ears. It was an uncomfortable, head splitting silence. Until... until finally, the greenette whimpered out.

"I'm.. sorry.. h-he should.. should've been... he should've been your.. your soulmate.."

Everything felt horrible, and the dread within the broken greenette only worsened as every second went on. He almost broke down again, but he tried to hold back.

When Kirishima heard the words come out of the greenettes mouth, though, he felt terrible. He wished the same thing, but he could never admit it. He just pulled the younger male into a hug and shook his head.

"No.. I'm glad he's your soulmate.. at lease I know he'll be taken care of by someone as good as you..."

And as much as it hurt to say that, it was true. At least he could come to terms with the fact that Bakugou would never be his...

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