Chapter 11

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Blinding white light.

The first thing that came into the greenettes view was a bright light, and nothing else. No sounds, people, nothing. It was a pure white room... and as he walked around, he called out.


No answer. Or, so he thought.
For a moment, he thought he heard crying.
Then someone calling his name.. it was weird, to say the least. But he was pretty peaceful right now as he wandered through the endless white box. That was, until he heard a voice.

"Izuku.. You shouldn't be here-"

A man came into view, practically jogging to meet up to the younger male. And surprisingly, Midoriya wasn't afraid. He was confused. And as the male approached, he felt familiar. Tilting his head, he spoke.

"How do you no my name..? Where am I?"

"How I know your name isn't important.. But you shouldn't be here.. you need to go back to your mother.. It's not your time.."

The greenette sighed softly, trying to figure him out. How did he know him that well?

"What's your name?"

For some reason, there was a ringing in the greenettes ears.

"Hisashi.. It's time for you to return, okay?"

The panic was starting to arise in the younger male, his breathing quick. He was pulled into a hug and was soon clinging to the other male.

"W-Wait I don't wanna go.. I don't wanna go back there-"

Hisashi planted a soft kiss on his sons head before speaking.

"It's going to be okay.. tell your mother that I still love her..."

And with that, it was all gone. And all midoriya could hear now was ringing.

Bakugou has been terrified.. Midoriyas heart had suddenly stopped.. But thankfully, it was stabilized. He could hear the greenettes gasps and chokes on air as the doctors worked away on him, his knee bouncing quickly. And what had started quickly ended just as fast.
Midoriya was back.
He was awake.

Inko was immediately by her sons bedside, holding on to his hand as she sobbed, cooing out as she planted kisses on his head.

"Oh my baby! My baby boy! Thank god you're okay-!"

She hugged him slightly, being careful of his wounds. She had been so worried and terrified for her son...


His voice was scratchy as he spoke, the ringing slowly dying down. He could still feel the touch of the strange man. And, without thinking, he mumbled out.

"Who's.. Hisashi..?"

Inkos eyes widened at this, her heart sinking for a moment. How did he know? Who told him? She simply brushed some more hair from his face before speaking.

"You shouldn't worry about that right now.. okay..? You.. you need to focus on recovery and getting rest-"

"He loves you.. he told me.. he told me he still loves you.."

More tears fell onto the mother's cheeks as she heard this, resting her forehead against her sons.

"Just.. focus on getting rest, Izuku.. I'll tell you when you're better.."

And with a small nod, the younger male complied. With the strain in his body, exhaustion had easily settled in, lulling the younger male to sleep easily.

Bakugou had stayed silent the whole time, and he was planning to. Without a word, he got up and left, simply ignoring the confused and concerned looks from the three adults in the room. He hadn't a single clue as to where he was going, and that was fine. It was fine to just wander around...

And after some time, he found himself by the bridge and river they used to play at when they were kids. God.. the memories..
As the blonde seated himself by the bank, he could feel tears pricking his eyes. And soon enough, he was crying. As he gripped the dirt beside him, he yelled out.


He choked back a sob, bringing his knees to his chest. He felt horrible now.. he could've prevented this.. if only he had been nicer, or maybe more convincing..

"Damn you... why..? WHY DAMN IT! WHY DID YOU FUCKING DO IT?!"

He threw the dirt, standing up for a moment before quickly sitting himself down. Why was he feeling all of this now? He shouldn't be caring about that fucking idiot. But here he was, sobbing and cursing out loud to no one but the birds and trees.

And as he brought his knees to his chest once more, he sobbed even harder.

"Damn it.. damn you.. I-it's my fault.. I-I did this.."

He hiccuped slightly, throwing more of the dirt.


He slammed his fist on the ground, choking back more sobs. And eventually, he ran his hands through his hair, gripping on it. He felt horrible..


By the time Bakugou had returned back to his dorm room, it was nearing 10pm. He didn't want to be bothered by anyone right now.. he just wanted to be alone..


He was always alone, and it was better that way.. He just ruined everything, no matter what.

As the blonde laid there in his bed, he couldn't help but quietly cry. He was overwhelmed with emotions, and he hated it. He didn't know what to do with himself anymore.. and eventually, he cried himself to sleep..

Things are about to change..

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