4. The Plan

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Evie thought she was going to faint when Fairy Godmother said that Maleficent was no longer covered by that glass bell jar. Her legs felt weak and she almost collapsed. She saw black spots before her eyes. Her head was spinning and beneath her makeup,  she looked as pale as a corpse.

Doug noticed. He took her hand and he put an arm around her shoulder. Evie calmed down and smiled tiny at him. He smiled comfortingly back. Their eye contact broke when a hysterical Chad spoke up.

"Fairy Godmother, why can't we go home too? Or at least me! I am the prince here!" he complained. Jay crossed his arms and Evie shook her head. Doug rolled his eyes.

Fairy Godmother put her hands on her hips. "Chad Charming, you stay here and you help your friends!"

Chad sighed. "Yes, ma'am."

Fairy Godmother exhaled loudly. "Good. Well, you guys have to go to the Enchanted Forest nearby the Enchanted Lake. You have to search for two stones: the Black Sardonyx and the White Crystal. When you find those two stones and you combine them with yours, you can defeat any evil that's behind this all. But watch out: those two are the most powerful gemstones of whole Auradon. You have to use them together: if you only use the Crystal, you'll blind the whole world. If you only use the Sardonyx, the world will live in darkness, shadows, and fear. Got it?"

The boys nodded. "But, Fairy Godmother, what are you going to do?" Evie asked.

Fairy Godmother sighed. "I'll be looking for our disappeared friends in the meantime." She snapped her fingers. "Right, I almost forgot!" She made a loop with her wand. "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!" Golden dust came out of the wand. A map appeared in Doug's hand.

"The fate of Auradon rests on our shoulders, but I'm sure that we'll have our victory, " she encouraged. She smiled brightly before hugging the four teens.

Fairy Godmother let go. She flicked her wand. "Good luck!" And with those words and a warm smile, Fairy Godmother was gone, into the golden fairy dust.

Doug unfolded the paper roll and watched it. Chad rolled his eyes. "Man, what are you looking at? We know where the Enchanted Forest is!"

"We do, but Jay and Evie don't!" Doug snapped back.

Chad groaned. "We'll guide them!"

Doug opened his mouth to comment, but Jay held him back. "Doug, Chad's right. Come on, let's bounce."

The boys started leaving. "STOP!" Evie dryly said. The boys turned around.

Chad sighed. "What is it?"

Evie looked them up and down. "You really want to go on a mission looking like that?" she asked pointing at the boys' outfits. And she was right: Jay wore his jog-outfit, Doug his band-outfit and Chad wore one of his pastel sweaters together with pastel pants and white sneakers.

The boys frowned when they looked at themselves. "What's wrong with my outfit?" they asked her.

Evie chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Come on, " she beckoned. The boys shared a confused look before following Evie to her dorm room.


Evie unlocked the room she shared with Mal. The group entered and Evie went to a closet. She smiled as soon as she opened it. "Okay, guys, choose an outfit. I'll pick..." Her fingers danced over the leather jackets. "This one." She went into the bathroom to put on her outfit for their mission.

The boys frowned at each other. They shrugged and chose an outfit. Jay stood next to the bathroom door. "Evie? Can you stay there for a few minutes? We're going to change, " he asked.

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