16. Sirens?

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Dusk arrived. The four continued their path to the magical gems. Jay helped Doug with his ankle since Chad said he wanted to talk to Evie. "Uhm... Evie?" he started.


"I just..." He sighed. "What happened at the campfire?"

Evie shrugged. "I don't know, Chad. Probably just the power of the gem taking over a little bit, " she guessed. Chad nodded, frowning. After a few wordless seconds, Evie asked: "Chad?"

"Yeah?" he hummed.

"I'm sorry 'bout the campfire, " she admitted, talking about almost freezing him.

He shrugged and sheepishly smiled. "It's nothing. I'm still here, aren't I?"

She chuckled. "You are."

"You guys got lucky once again, " Chad added, starting to flatter himself. Evie smiled and rolled her eyes. Classic Chad. "I appreciate your apologies, though. I'm sorry, too, about the witch-thingy, " he added.

She smiled at him. "Thanks, your Majesty, " she joked.

He grinned. "My pleasure, your Highness." He bowed. Evie laughed and he snickered at himself.

Doug looked at them, still holding on to Jay. "Do you think he likes her?" he asked the much taller boy.

Jay glanced at Evie and Chad. He shrugged. "Could be, " he answered him. Doug's eyes widened. He smirked at him. "Doug, Evie would rather date a llama with a purple nose and a knitwork on top of its head." Doug smiled. He nodded. Jay was right. Evie would never be with Chad that way.

Sometime later, the squad came by a lake, which was part of a small, misty area. There was a white, wooden, elegant bridge above the lake so you could easily cross it. It was surrounded by lots of flowers and green.

Jay blinked and looked around. "I don't know about you guys, but I like this, " he admitted.

Evie nodded. "Agreed, " she said without taking her eyes off her surroundings.

Chad's gaze fell on something in the water. It sparkled and reflected the sunlight. It moved gracefully through the deep lake. When Chad wanted to touch the water, something that looked like a mermaid hopped out and leaned over the edge. Chad withdrew and gazed at her pretty features. He realized it was her beautiful tail he'd seen.

She softly tilted her head with long, caramel curls. "Why is a handsome gentleman like thou here?" she sweetly asked.

A wide grin grew on his face when he kneeled before her. "I could ask you the same, " he flirted back while he kissed her hand.

She smiled. "I am Mercury. I live here. Thou art welcome, we don't get a lot of visitors."

Chad chuckled. "I just can't understand why."

Meanwhile, Jay passed Doug to Evie as he started talking to a black-haired mermaid, named Saturn. Doug and Evie shared a frown. Usually, mermaids weren't that trusting and easy-going.

Their attention was drawn by a mini merman. The boy smiled at the couple. "Hi, guys."

A smile appeared on Evie's face as soon as she saw him. She always had a weak spot for kids. "And who are you?" she sweetly asked.

"I'm Mars, " he cheerfully greeted them. Evie introduced herself and her boyfriend.

Doug didn't pay any attention. He looked around to observe the mermaids. They acted strangely. They flirted and seduced like they did it every minute of the day, which was presumably right. Uncommon.

He frowned when he heard soft singing. Mercury sang to Chad. It sounded like a lullaby. "My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold..."

Chad just smiled and she pulled him closer. He watched her like he was under hypnosis. "Oh no, " Doug heard Mars say with worry.

"There is nothing can console me... But my jolly sailor bold..."

Doug whipped around. "What do you mean?" Meanwhile, Saturn joined in. Jay was off the earth too.

"Come all, you pretty fair maids... Whoever you may be..."

Doug began to realize. Singing... Seduction... Luring... Sirens. Sirens?!

"Who love a jolly sailor bold... That ploughs the raging sea..."

"Cover your ears!" he shouted to the others. Too late. Even Evie was lost in the hypnotic voices. She looked forward, a dead gaze streaking her eyes. Mars shot him an apologetic look.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold..."

Doug's eyes widened as soon as he saw Chad being pulled into the water by Mercury. As she sang, Doug spotted her teeth turning into sharp, tiny fish teeth. Her eyes grew bigger, like a fish's and her skin gained a green accent. Doug wanted to sprint at him to pull him back, but his foot was still in pain.

"There is nothing can console me... But my jolly sailor bold..."

Jay was lured in as well. Mars took Evie's hand. "I'm sorry, " he mumbled sadly before pulling her down with him.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold..."

"Wait!" Doug yelled after them. The singing didn't stop. He tried to resist, but it didn't take long before Doug, too, was taken away by their voices. He had to pull himself towards the edge. He groaned in pain, but went on, hypnotized. He dove in, following his girlfriend and the little merman.

"There is nothing can console me... But my jolly sailor bold..."

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