15. Intimidated

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Queenie sauntered past the cells, hands behind her back, a wickedly disgusting smile plastered on her face. "So, " she began, "who shall we start with?" She looked at the desperate, painful faces behind the old bars. Her eyes stopped by Lonnie. "Ah, you. Royal, yet so civil." She chuckled. Lonnie sent her a weak, but hateful look. She snapped her fingers and her smile vanished. "Bring her to the dining room. I want to hear her speak, " she demanded one of the four guards that stood in the room. Without a word, he did what the girl said. She followed closely behind when the guard roughly pulled Lonnie up and took her away.

He pushed her down on a chair at the end of a long, classy table. Queenie sat down on the other end. They both had a plate of food in front of them. Queenie started eating with little bites. "So, daughter of Mulan, aren't you?" she asked Lonnie as if they were new classmates. Lonnie looked at the plate. "Hungry?" She then gave Queenie a look. "If you want to eat, you'll have to speak, " she told Lonnie, letting out the last word in singsong.

Lonnie avoided her eyes. "Not quite talkative, huh?" Queenie asked as if she were talking to a stubborn child.

Lonnie raised her eyebrows. "Not quite talkative? You kidnapped us and locked us up!" she yelled.

Queenie nodded. "I know. And if I were you, I'd do exactly what my kidnapper says. They might be dangerous." She sipped her drink. "And deadly."

Lonnie closed her eyes. "I don't care. I know we'll be saved nevertheless."

Queenie laughed. "By who? Every single Auradonian is here in our dungeons!"

Lonnie scoffed. "As if you were so stupid, " she spoke in a challenging tone Queenie didn't like at all. "I'm sure you left a few behind to negotiate with. That's most likely the case when you kidnap someone, isn't it? That you want something in return for their freedom?"

Queenie jumped up and slammed her glass on the table so it broke. "Enough!" she yelled, silencing and slightly startling Lonnie. "You, little wannabe princess, will be the first sacrifice we make!"

Lonnie frowned. "Sacrifice?" she repeated.

Queenie smirked evilly. "Of course, darling. Our leftovers need to know we only do serious business, " she hissed in a whisper like a snake who was about to swallow her prey.

"Why do you even want to talk to me?" Lonnie cluelessly asked her.

Queenie slowly approached her. "Weaknesses."

Lonnie raised an eyebrow. "Weaknesses? What--"

"Your friends, " Queenie interrupted her. "Four of them. Evie, Prince fancy-pants, four-eyed nerd, and Jay." Lonnie's eyes widened in confusion as the thoughts flashed through her brain. "Oh, you're not gonna tell me you didn't notice their absence." She hopped down on the table in front of Lonnie and crossed her arms. "Tell me." Lonnie kept silent and lowered her head.

Queenie firmly took her chin to make her look at her. "Listen, little Guardian, you won't be able to cover for them forever, " she spat. She threw Lonnie's face aside when she released her chin. She brought her lips close to her ear. "Certainly not when there's nothing to cover for anymore, " she whispered.

Lonnie used all the force she had left to jump up as she tried to attack Queenie, but the guard behind her grabbed her arms and led her away, back to her cell. She struggled for a while and shouted: "You will pay for this!"

Queenie waved at her and smiled like a princess in her carriage. "Looking forward to it, Mulonnie!" She shook her head. "Hehe - Mulonnie, " she cackled.

The big guard pushed weakened Lonnie back in her cell. She harshly landed on the floor and groaned. When she heard him taking out his keys, she jumped up and grabbed the bars of her cell. She watched the guard leave. "You'll all pay for this!" she shouted after him. She leaned her back against the bars and slid down. She sighed. "I need to stop them... But... How...?"

Queenie sat back down in her seat. "Don't worry about your little friends, dear... The sirens will do the rest..."

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