A Different Perspective

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Ever since the big chemical plant explosion that started the apocalypse happened, there has been a string of survivors traveling in a relatively big group. They steal, injure, or kill anything that gets in their way, including other survivors. Known as the Skeletons, they wipe out their victims with crossbows, and rarely show mercy.

The Skeletons like to keep their existence under the radar. They don't like having new members added to the group, especially ones that they don't know or trust. That's why in order to join the Skeletons, you have to be referred by someone who's already a member. That's also why hardly anyone knows about them. Because once you're a Skeleton, you can never leave on your own terms.

Almost seven months ago, Vincent joined the Skeletons by someone else's decision entirely.

He never found out who recommended him, but it's not important anyways. Without informing him on who they were or what they did, Vincent was forced into the gang because of his spotless reputation dealing with Creepers. That was his only job— to disarm any Creepers the group found themselves nearby.

Vincent was for the most part okay with helping out the Skeletons as long as he got to stick with Darryl, but they forbid him to share anything about the gang. They threatened to kill Darryl if anything got out, and Vincent couldn't handle that.

So they fought sometimes over secrets being kept. Friends fight, that's completely normal. They were usually minor, with Darryl eventually giving up on prying at Vincent's secrets and resorting back to his monster tracking, and Vincent running off to hang out with the Skeletons. They spent most of their days together far apart.

One day, however, around a month after Vincent had become a Skeleton, an argument went too far when Vincent didn't come home for three days.

"I've given up on trusting you, Vincent. You can keep your secrets. I don't care anymore. You left me here. You left me all alone."

"Darryl, it's not like that. I lost track of time—"

"Just go, please." Darryl was curled up into a ball on the ground, leaning against a wall. "I can take care of myself just fine without you around."

Vincent stood over him. "Look— I don't know what's gotten into you lately, but I suggest you just keep your head down and keep hunting your little monsters, like you always do."

"Why should I?"

"It's safer that way!"

"Safer? From what? Do you see those zombies out there, Vincent? Do you see them?" Darryl jumped up and pointed out the open window. "They're what I should be afraid of. Not you!"

"Keep your voice down. They'll hear."

"I don't care if a mass of rotten flesh hears me!"

"I don't mean the zombies, I meant the Ske—."

Before Darryl could add anything else, Vincent was gone, running out the front door into the city after saying too much. And that was the last time they saw each other.

Vincent went back to the Skeletons after leaving Darryl, obviously, expecting a welcome back and a full-time home. However, he got the exact opposite.

"What do you mean you're kicking me out of the Skeletons?"

The leader of the Skeletons frowned at Vincent after delivering his verdict. "Spies informed me that you almost exposed us to your friend. We can't have any risks like that happening again."

"It won't happen again." Vincent hesitated, "I'm not going back to him."

"It's too late."

"You can't take this group away from me! It's all I have now!"

Ignoring the desperation in Vincent's voice, the leader kept his tone down. "Leave, or I'll have no choice but to inform the others and have you escorted."

"They don't know you're kicking me out?"

"No, I haven't made any announcements yet. If you'd like to keep at least some dignity I suggest you go now."

"I can't leave! I can't! Darryl was all I had, and he forced me away! I can't go back!"

Vincent doesn't remember exactly how it happened, but the leader of the Skeletons was dead at his feet in mere seconds. He tossed a bloody knife to the side, and promptly fainted, absolutely horrified of the outcome of his rage.

He woke up hours later in a large bed that didn't belong to him, in clothes that were three sizes too big, and twenty eyes staring down at him.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, new leader." One of the boys standing over him spoke softly, as if Vincent couldn't understand him at all.

Vincent's face scrunched in confusion. "What?"

"You risked your life trying to protect our leader. He was unfortunately killed, so now you'll be taking his place."

Of course, he went along with everything the boys assumed about the murder, and no one even tried to investigate. After a few days of being treated like royalty, Vincent decided he didn't feel guilty anymore.

He felt angry.

Angry at Darryl.

Vincent never asked to be the leader of the Skeletons, he just wanted to live a simple life in the apocalypse with his best friend. But because of Darryl's overemotional behavior, he couldn't do that.

And that's why when one of the Skeleton deliverymen was killed two months after Vincent's promotion, Vincent knew exactly how to handle it.

He recommended Darryl for the delivery man position. Of course, he ensured that his own identity was kept a secret— by going by the code name "A6D" and only speaking to Darryl through messengers.

Darryl was informed of the Skeleton rules, and was instructed to bring food and supplies from nearby cities to the main base. He was given a digital watch, that would beep when there was thirty minutes until he was expected. The main rule— Darryl could not be late. If he was, he would be instantly removed from the Skeletons. He didn't have to stay at the base if he didn't want to, and he rarely had to come to any meetings. Vincent even allowed him to keep up his monster hunting gig.

Anything to keep him distracted, Vincent figured.

After three months of Darryl working for the Skeletons, Vincent finally saw an opportunity arise to get some real revenge on Darryl.

One of his spies reported a sighting of a giant spider.

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