A Rainful Day

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thanks for being patient with me, i'm sorry this chapter took so long to write. but i applied to a couple colleges! and i'm excited! and i'm glad i have time to write again!

thankkkk you for 9k reads!! <3



Vincent? I don't know, he seems pretty cool to me— As cool as someone who I know nothing about can be. Then again, he doesn't know anything about me either, yet he's still here. Vincent definitely acts like someone who's running from something. Whether that's my business or not is totally subjective, but I better not ask, just to be safe. I wouldn't want to get shot with that crossbow of his. If he offers to tell me on his own, though, I wouldn't object.

I wonder if I come off as mysterious to Vincent. Come on, ruler of an entire town? A town with no zombies during the apocalypse? He must know something's up. Or... Maybe not? Maybe he's just too distracted to recognize what's right in front of him...? Whatever. This battle should be interesting. I only hope I can remember where I saw that monster. That would be pretty embarrassing if we walked all this way for nothing.

"So, what's your story?" Vincent asks, breaking the silence Dave hadn't realized they were in. He had been completely content listening to the sound of the rain pouring down onto the street around them. The two boys were covered by an old umbrella, and although there was a small hole on one side, it still provided a mobile shelter for them.

"I don't have a story," Dave replies.

"Don't give me that. You're out in the middle of nowhere, completely alone. What are you hiding from?"

"I'll answer that if you tell me what you're running from."

Vincent exhales out of his nose heavily. "Nothing," He answered harshly.

That could have gone better.

Dave clears his throat. "I take it you're not used to being alone."

"How on Earth could you guess something as random as that?"

"Am I right, though?"

"No. Kind of." Vincent's eyes flick towards Dave's direction. "I wasn't before, but I've been alone a lot lately."

"Before? Before what?"

"Jesus Dave, you don't need to know everything about me, do you?"

"Sorry. I just thought that since we're a team now—"

"—We're not a team. I just want to see this monster you have to show me, maybe get to know you a little in the process...? It doesn't matter. After this, I have to go. Besides, I probably wouldn't be the best teammate."

"What makes you say that?"

"Oh. I don't know, I guess I just... Get too angry sometimes and do stupid things."

Dave flashes Vincent a weak smile. "Stupid like getting your entire team killed?"

Vincent's eyes widen in surprise. "You...? How?"

"I uh... I don't remember, it was a while ago."

"You're lying."

"So what if I am?" Dave crosses his arms.

Vincent huffs again, much to Dave's amusement.

He's easy to mess with, that's for sure. It's almost a shame that we're almost to the place I saw the monster. I'd like to talk to Vincent more before he has to leave, to go wherever he says he has to.

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