Crossed Fingers

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oh my god thank you so much for 30k reads i can't even believe it's real <3



"Pass me the sample of Dave's blood," Clay demands. He had just finished explaining everything about the vaccine to Zak- including how he had taken a new blood sample earlier that morning by Dave's urging.

Zak, clearly frustrated, hands him the glass bottle he was referring to. "We should be out there, they might need our help."

"You heard what everyone said, Zak. Besides, this is important too."

"What makes you think you can create a cure now? You used a mixture of random chemicals and your 'cure' before only stopped Dave from turning into a zombie. It would probably have no effect on someone who's already completely gone."

"I guess we won't know until we try. Look, it might have been impossible before, but now I have Dave's— the man who can never die— blood. That has to have some impact, random chemicals or not."

"My brain hurts," Zak pouts, turning to look out of a nearby window. "How do you think they're doing out there?"

The two boys were stationed in one of the empty buildings uptown in the city. It was far enough from where any zombies were, that they could be detected or attacked, but close enough to be able to make it to the rest of the group if necessary. Clay insisted on working on the second floor, 'in case any strays wandered in,' as he put it.

"I'm sure they're fine," Clay responds. "They're all smart and know how to take care of themselves against a few zombies."

"Honestly? It's the Skeletons I'm more worried about. Vincent had the opportunity to kill me multiple times, and it's only because of Darryl that he didn't."

"Your hero," Clay mocks Zak in a high-pitched voice. He batted his eyelashes quickly, smirking over at his friend.

"I just mean that they're trained well, that's all. And you shouldn't talk, Clay. You act like you and Vincent haven't been constantly eyeing each other."

Clay chuckles, shaking his head and resuming his work. He doesn't ask Zak to pass him anything else; he understood that Zak was annoyed and would probably snap at him if pushed to. Lots of time passed, neither boy speaking. Clay was bent over his little work area he had set up, and he needed it to be silent to concentrate.

Focus, Clay. If you can do this... You could literally save the world. What's in this bottle? Formaldehyde? I think I used that in my vaccine I gave Dave. Couldn't hurt to throw a little in.

He lifts his head towards Zak a little while later. "Don't hate me, but I really need some water for this mixture. It's only a few drops and it doesn't even have to be clean; you could probably find a puddle outside or something."

"Fine," Zak huffs, moving from his position at the window.

He seems eager to leave.

"Oh, and Zak?" Clay calls out as Zak is half way through the doorway to the stairs. "Don't try anything. I really don't want you to get yourself killed."

"Of course. I'll get the water and come right back," Zak responds, a charm-like tone filling his voice.

Clay almost missed the hint of crossed fingers as his friend walked away. However, there was nothing he could do once Zak was in the stairwell, the risk of moving too fast and knocking something over was high due to Clay's position on the ground where he was seated. He lets out a loud sigh, working around the area of the cure that requires water.

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