Not So Happy Reunion

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hi guys!! i'm so happy, i finally got twitch prime today so of course i subscribed to skeppy! i never really talked in chat a lot before but i'm trying hard to make some friends in this fandom so yeah! i'm going to try to be more interactive!

my twitch username is arachnicality, so if u see me being a lil awkward pls say hi so i look like i have some friends! <3

thank u guys so much for 420+ reads it's so crazy how quickly this has gotten bigger and i love updating so much!!!



Darryl wasn't sure if he should run or fight. The leader of the Skeletons stood on the other side of the room, with only a messenger standing between them. He wanted to know why his own group had threatened him, and he wanted to know why. But Darryl knew A6D wouldn't talk, so he turned to the messenger.

"Why was I shot at?"

"I- I don't know, I only help with communications."

Darryl rolled his eyes.

This is annoying.

"Look, A6D. I don't know how you found me or what I did wrong, but don't pit the Skeletons against me. Can you at least tell me who fired the arrow?"

The messenger tries once again to force Darryl out of the room, but he doesn't move.

Neither of them expected to hear an answer, yet Vincent's voice could be heard throughout the room. "I did."

He spoke quickly, but Darryl heard his words clearly, the French accent echoing in his brain, making him dizzy and nauseous at the same time. Darryl knew him, he knew A6D.


Without saying another word, Darryl turned and began to run out of the room. Two guards stationed outside the door that Darryl hadn't noticed before grabbed him, and pinned him against the wall. Darryl squirmed relentlessly, only getting more squished.

It can't be him. I'm crazy, right? It can't be Vincent. He left months ago. He never came back, he must have died out there. Right?

The small messenger left the room hastily, as Vincent stepped away from the window and walked towards Darryl. He removed his mask slowly, watching the pure shock on Darryl's face form.

"So... What do you think?" Vincent raised an eyebrow towards Darryl, who could only see out of one eye due to being squished up against the wall.


"Yes, that's me."

"You're alive?"

"As far as I'm aware."

"You... This is why— This is why you kept leaving, I'm so stupid."

"Mhmm. And you threw me out."

"Vincent, what? If I knew you were a part of the Skeletons back then, I wouldn't have reacted the way I did. You could have told me, I would have kept it a secret."

Vincent smiles to himself, shooing away the guards. "It wouldn't have worked out. See, I knew I would be going places within the Skeleton army. You would only drag me down."

"I know that's not the way you felt."

"Maybe not. But it doesn't matter anymore."

"Why? I didn't even know you were alive. This could change everything. We could—"

"Stop!" Vincent yelled, scaring Darryl senseless. "I don't want to change anything. I tracked you down. I fired that arrow at you. I only called for a delivery to see if you survived or not."

He... Tried to kill me. He's not my friend, he tried to kill me. He could have hurt Zak, too. I need to get back to Zak. What if he's mad at me like I was mad at Vincent? I need to get out of here.

Darryl doesn't hesitate as he makes a break for the stairwell.

"Wait, stop!" He heard Vincent call out.

Vincent is hot on his heels, a bow suddenly hanging off one shoulder and a quill full of arrows on the other. Nearby guards, not knowing why their leader was chasing a random delivery-man, joined in the efforts. In fact, every type of Skeleton imaginable joined in the chase, even the little messenger Darryl had previously spoken with. There was lots of yelling, and all of it was echoing throughout the stairwell. It was nearly deafening.

Oh my goodness.



After sitting for what felt like hours playing with a stupid little rock, Zak was almost excited to hear some commotion inside the building Darryl had snuck into earlier.

Is that... Screaming?

Zak instantly got up, grabbed his backpack, and headed towards the window. He wasn't even sure he would make it through, because of all the noise— It was starting to attract zombies.

They wandered towards Zak from all directions, leaving him clambering hopelessly inside as they began to attempt to break through the wall.

Oh god. I'm not supposed to be in here. Where is Darryl? I should find him, and get away from whatever's making those screaming sounds.

Running down a narrow hallway, Zak can't help but stop and squint when he sees a figure in front of him.

Is that a zombie? Wait, that's a lot of zombies. Oh my god, it's a whole mob! And they're screaming! And chasing... Darryl?

He barely has time to react before Darryl crashes into him. Luckily, Darryl had gained enough ground to stop for a few seconds.

"Zak? What—?"

"Darryl, there's zombies everywhere! We gotta go!"

Darryl raises an eyebrow, breathing heavily. "No, those aren't zom—"

"Come on!" Zak grabs Darryl's hand, taking off in the direction he came from. After running for a bit, Zak took a left, seeing a few zombies from outside that had gotten through the wall.

Oh my god. We're gonna die. We need to find some place to hide. Where can we hide?

Zak stops when he reaches an old elevator. "Do you think it works?"

"What? No! Let's just keep going!"

"We can't outrun them! Help me open it."

Darryl's efforts to argue are squashed when an arrow nearly strikes him in the shoulder. The mob was getting closer, and they were losing time.

With Zak pulling on one door and Darryl pulling on the other, they were able to pry it open enough to slip through. The doors slammed shut behind them, as Zak pressed every single button on the wall.

One lit up.

"This isn't a good idea," Darryl stated, as the elevator creaked upwards.

"I'd rather be in here than out there with a mob of zombies that can shoot arrows," Zak replied, leaning against the wall.

Darryl sighs. "Zak, those weren't zombies."

"Then what were they? Are they what you've been hunting this whole time?"

"They're humans."

And that's when the elevator got stuck.

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