Home At Last

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hey guys! before this chapter starts, i just wanted to ask: does anyone want to see anything specific in this story?

i have my main & sub plotlines that i'm incorporating already, but i'm talking more skephalo things!

should i include more fluff? or do you guys like the slowburn i'm putting down? i personally prefer the slowburn with occasional cute moments but that's just me!

comment if you want to see anything specific! i'm open to any & all suggestions :)



Wow, Zak's house is exactly how he described it.

The boys had reached their destination a few minutes ago, and Darryl was still taking it all in. Zak's house was decently sized, and was a light red color. There were a few windows overlooking the front door, so Darryl figured one of them was Zak's old room that Zak claimed he could see the pizza man from.

"Should we go in?" Darryl asks, turning around to look at Zak.

Zak was clenching his jaw and flexing his cut hand, all signs pointing to him being nervous. Darryl gingerly interlocked his fingers with Zak's, taking him by surprise.

"What are you doing?" Zak asks, snapping out of his trance.

"You seem nervous. I thought this would help."

Zak hesitates. "Yeah, okay, it does make me feel a little more confident."

It was Darryl's turn to grin as he noticed Zak's cheeks turning a shade of light pink. They had held hands before, no doubt about it, but this was the first time Darryl got the urge to hold Zak's hand without having any other reason than him just wanting to.

Darryl isn't one to usually give into urges, either.

I guess it makes me feel more confident too.

They walk through the front door slowly, in case anyone or anything had decided to call Zak's old house their home in the time he was away. When nothing jumps out at them, Darryl flicks a light switch. Nothing happens, of course, although he had expected the entire room to brighten.

Instead, Darryl just opens a bunch of windows.

"It hasn't changed at all," Zak's words came out in more of a whisper, as his eyes darted around he living room. Everything was covered in dust, but it was all untouched, exactly as he left it.

Darryl felt Zak's hand squeeze tighter, so he kept moving through the house. "How long ago did you leave?"

"I don't know, sometime after my sister..."

"Oh... I'm sorry, Zak. I'll stop prying."

"I don't think about her much, that's all," Zak explains, heading towards the stairs. He shakes his head. "Come on, I'll show you my room."

Darryl can see Zak's solemn expression brighten as they step through the doorway into Zak's old room. It was pretty simple: A large bed in the corner, an old computer setup along one of the walls, and a closet. Zak however was filled with happiness as he dragged Darryl to his bed.

They both flopped on it, giggling as they tangled themselves up in the blankets.

"I haven't slept in a bed in so long," Darryl states, propping his head up on his arm.

"Me neither," Zak agrees, standing up and wandering over to his computer. "Man, I wish this still worked."

"You have a pretty nice setup."

"Thanks. I used to play a lot of video games back in high school."

"Video games are what got me through college." Darryl laughs.

It's crazy how much we have in common. I'm almost surprised we didn't know each other before the apocalypse.

A yawn escapes Darryl's lips, causing Zak to glance out the window. The sun had already slipped below the horizon, the sky faded into a deep purple color.

"Sorry," Darryl apologizes, "I'm just tired from the trip here."

"You don't need to apologize, you muffin. This is your house now, too. Go to bed whenever you want."

"I kind of want to wash up first. Do you mind?"

"What did I just say?" Zak laughs.

Darryl shrugs and exits the room in search for a source of moving water he could use to bathe in.

A shower would be nice. I wonder how long it's been since I showered last. Probably a really long time.

He remembers Zak telling him there was a stream in the backyard, so he heads outside to go find it. It was dark now, so Darryl kept his eyes peeled for any zombies, but since Zak lived practically in the middle of nowhere, he felt safe enough.

The stream was pretty large compared to how Zak had described it earlier, so Darryl has no issues undressing and wading in. He scrubs a ton of dirt and grime out of his hair and off his body, feeling ten times more refreshed coming out of the stream than going in.

After redressing, Darryl sits for a minute with just hit feet in the water. It was the first time he had felt so at peace with the world for as long as he can remember, and he wanted to enjoy every second of it. He let the current stream between his toes, just listening to the sound of rushing water. It was cold, yet felt so nice at the same time that Darryl could hardly contain his satisfaction.

I should get back.

The wet socks that Darryl had to put on was the least calming part of the whole ordeal. He did it anyways, and headed back towards Zak's house as the deep purple sky darkened into a midnight blue.

"Finally," Zak exclaims as Darryl walks upstairs into Zak's room again. "I was starting to think you'd never come back."

Darryl rolls his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic. I was right outside."

"The stream is running good?"

"Better than good. We totally have an infinite supply of fresh water."

"Awesome! That's the best news I've heard all day."

Darryl falls backwards onto the bed Zak was laying on, turning his head to look at him. "Have you checked for food?"

"Yeah. There's not much that isn't expired, but there's enough to last us a while. My... My parents sort of stocked up when they first got news of the infection. Just in case." Zak's voice progressively got quieter as he spoke, earning himself a pout from Darryl.

"They sound like they were good people."

"They were, they were the best parents I could ever ask for." He hesitates. "What about you? Where were you before all this happened?"

"Me?" Darryl's mind drifts off. "I was living in an apartment, with Vin— With my friend. I didn't have any siblings, and I was never super close with my parents, so it was just... Me and him."

Zak rests his head on his hands. "Was he a good friend?"

"A good friend?" Darryl bites his lip. "Yeah, yeah I think he was. But he made a lot of mistakes, big ones. I want to believe he's a good person deep down, but I guess I can never be sure."

"Well, everyone makes stupid mistakes sometimes, there's no getting around it. I'm sure whatever your friend did he didn't do it to hurt you."

Darryl breaks eye contact with Zak. "I wouldn't be so sure... Look Zak, there's actually something I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"My friend, his name is Vincent. And... He's the leader of the Skeletons."

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