Eyes of Ender

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Pushing through the glass doors, Vincent and Dave expected to immediately be attacked as they entered the monster's building. When nothing jumped out at them, Vincent let out a breath of relief.

"Where is it?" He whispered to Dave, who was standing behind him.

"I don't know. It has to be in here somewhere."

"Should we check upstairs?"

"Yeah, follow me." Dave gently pushes past Vincent towards a staircase.

Loud noises echoed throughout the stairwell as they walked upwards, causing Vincent to cover his ears.

What is that noise?

Dave seemed to have the same confused expression on his face, he stopped walking to listen more carefully, much to Vincent's impatience.

"Come on, whatever it is is up there waiting for us to attack. So let's attack!"

"Vincent, that's it. That's the monster. Last time, I remember it sounded more like a hiss and a growl combined, only because of how terrifying it was. You're sure you're ready to go in?"

Vincent tries to push past Dave, but the stairs are too narrow for both of them to stand side-by-side. "Just keep going. We're trapped in here."

Reluctantly, Dave leads the duo up the stairs, sword extended outwards. Vincent could tell that he was nervous by the blade trembling slightly.

"Don't tell me you're scared." Vincent teased, grinning at Dave's reaction.

"I'm not!" He responded defensively.

Upon reaching the next floor, Dave threw open the door as to prove to Vincent that he wasn't afraid. The handle slammed against the wall hard, leaving a small dent at the point of impact. The noise echoes throughout the building, leaving the boys to do nothing but cringe for a second at their recklessness.

Vincent shoves past Dave into the room. "I think we're okay. Maybe it didn't hear that."

All he remembers seeing after that is the purple eyes.

They glowed so intensely that Vincent was almost drawn to them, finding himself unable to break the eye contact. The monster stood eight feet away, its black figure towering over the humans, intimidating them, yet filling Vincent with a sense of confusion and helplessness. He had never seen anything like this before. The eyes, they were so vast and empty, he believed there was nothing behind them. He couldn't look away, as long as the monster stood still he couldn't help but stare into the eyes of what he believed would be the last thing he ever saw.

This monster could definitely be an ender... Meaning it can end my life if it wanted to. And there's no doubt about it will kill me, and Dave, if I don't attack now. Why can't I seem to move?

Vincent pulled at what he now called the Enderman's gaze, but found himself unable to turn his head away. He was too entranced by the mystery behind the creature. It felt like he could see the end of time in its eyes, and it was peaceful, almost... Nice.

But that changed when the Enderman started to get angry. The eye contact, Vincent assumes, was too much for it to handle. It's jaw unhinged, hanging beneath its head as it screamed a blood curling scream and lunged towards Dave and Vincent. It was shaking in a terrifying rage, and it could be described as glitching as it moved its way towards the boys. Vincent would blink, and it would be in a new location, as if it was teleporting around the room.

Dave swung his sword wildly, getting a few strikes on the Enderman, but for the most part, missing completely.

"Watch it!" Vincent cried as he narrowly missed being stabbed. He was shooting arrows at the monster, but it was way too fast for his crossbow. Every arrow ended up in a wall.

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