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good mornin ah ha haaa.. ok i'll continue the story. Btw, sorry if you actually read this book lMao it's on lean. legit this book was made for fun and games and here we are with 50 something k reads. that's crazy maen

Jungkook's P.O.V

I immediately looked at y/n, waiting for her reaction to my words. She then gives me a look as if she's confused.

I then decided to remove the cloth from her mouth so i can hear her voice again.

"The fuck do you mean by 'be yours'" she said, trying to remove the handcuffs.

well damn.

"well,, i liked you for quite a long time to a point where i need you. The whole time we were seen as "just friends" but,, i've been hoping for more but then again i never said anything because i thought if i said anything, our friendship would no longer exist. But now, i can't wait any longer so whether you like it or not. You are going to be mine." I said with a sadistic grin on my face.

"hell no. You can't just force me to be yours. I mean, i liked you too but handcuffs? seriously? that's taking it wayyy tooo far. Then again, did you poison our food?" she said sternly as i scoffed at her words.

"I wouldn't say poison but yeah, i drugged it. By the way, I don't care if your answer is no because.. you are mine. Just accept the fact that you can't leave me anytime soon, okay? Just be lucky i didn't do anything to you while you're in those handcuffs. Even though it is tempting.." i said as i slightly licked my lips.

"...what ever you are thinking about, just forget it and let me go, okay? Haha the jokes over yeah i get it, can you just get me out of these handcuffs for fuck sakes and stop being so damn creepy." She said,struggling to get out of the hand cuffs.

i then gave her a serious look.
Does she really think i'm joking around?
Did she not listen to a word i said?
i sighed while shaking my head in disbelief.

"do you really think i'm kidding with you y/n? Are you saying that my feelings for you are fake? i wasn't lying when i said that you aren't leaving me anytime soon whether you like it or not. Do Not Test My Limits okay? Only Lord knows what i would do to you." i said moving even closer to her as she finally realized the situation she's in.

"Come on now, are you scared? Do you still want to escape? When will you finally realize that you are Only Mine?" i said letting out a sigh.

Y/N's P.O.V



i mean i read a couple yandere stories before but,,,,,WHO WOULD'VE KNOWN I WOULD BE IN THAT TYPE OF SITUATION?

i quickly try to think of something to say, but i just can't seem to respond.

"Nothing to say huh? okay, we will see about that" jungkook said as he inched his hand closer to my neck...

what the hell did i get my self into?

Cliffhanger vroskis 😞🤟 anyways would you guys rather longer chapters? just mean i would take longer to upload them. Or short chapters like this? (it would be more constant yk?) idk it's up to y'all oh and btw i might change the book cover.. okay buee

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