Chapter 7: You thought Wrong

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Atticus and Felix were at the little makeshift hospital in minutes meeting Juniper and Marlowe in their little waiting room which was just a bunch of cheap plastic chairs in a room.

"Do you know what happened?" Atticus asked

"Well Dr. Drew is saying he wasn't eating properly" Marlowe said sounded confused about it herself

"But of course, we said that wasn't possible because he eats with us" Juniper stated

"He's a Wendigo, maybe he's not eating what he's supposed to eat. I mean I'm no doctor but what if that's the reason? When I don't drink blood, I get sick and weak" Felix spoke softly not sure if he was right.

"Felix is right maybe that's what he meant when he said that juniper?" Marlowe looked towards her friend

"that makes sense. We should go tell Drew he was right"

"I need to talk to him, where is he?" Atticus asked the two

"He's in the first room on the left. We'll go ask if we can get him some human meat for him to eat"

"thank you, Jun bug," Atticus said as him and Felix followed Junipers directions. Atticus was kind enough to knock but he didn't wait for an answer and just walked in.

Dagen laid his attention immediately focusing on them as they stepped foot in his room

"Hey Dagen, glad to hear you're okay." Felix said with a small smile

"Thanks Felix" he replied looking at Atticus he knew Atticus wanted to say something he knew he had been caught so know he just waits for the storm he knew was coming.

"I thought you were eating it. I thought you had gotten over the whole disgust part and ate what I gave you. I thought you were smart enough to know that if you didn't eat it, it would have killed you" Atticus said calmly

"I guess you thought wrong." Dagen said bluntly

"I guess I did."

Dagen looked away crossing his arms as the girls walked in with a plate of food Calliope following behind the two. Dagen guess one of the two told her

"We got you some food." Marlowe says as Juniper puts the tray on the table and wheels it in front of Dagen.

"The doctors say you have to eat before you leave." Juniper added

"What is it?"

"it's what you need to eat Dagen in order to leave." She stated again hoping he would understand.

"I'm not eating this. This is like cannibalism! This is cannibalism I don't eat other people it's wrong and gross!" he says going to push the tray away, but Atticus stepped in holding it there.

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Look kid, we can go back and forth like this all night because I have no where important to be or you can shut up and eat it because you're no longer a regular person in fact you never were. Your parents were wendigos meaning you were born a Wendigo; this is not cannibalistic because you were never human. I know that's how you were raised but know you're here with us and we're all doing things to survive."

Dagen looked away again Atticus was right, and he knew it but what was left of his pride wouldn't let him give in this easy.

"When I became what I am today I didn't want to drink blood. Because I thought what you thought, that it was wrong. See my parents were very religious and at the time I was too so I thought that I was wrong that I was an abomination so I didn't drink I got sick and well as you see I'm here with you guys and I drink just enough to satisfy me nothing more. I promise it is something you get used to overtime" as Felix spoke, he picked at his sweater glove and Marlowe's squirrel jumped on his shoulder curled into his turtleneck Dagen guessed was supposed to help make him feel better.

Atticus looked at Dagen with a raised eyebrow a look warning him if he was going to say something, he should watch what it was. Dagen been here only for a few days but he could tell that Felix wasn't like most vampires in folklore or television. He wasn't a confident edgy vampire that hates the world because he must live forever instead, he was a scared but kind and Soft vampire that would do anything for the sake of his friend's happiness.

Dagen didn't say anything as he grabs the burger taking a deep breath before biting into it. his hunger immediately started to fade but a new pain started to form in his mouth which made him stop eating putting his hand over his mouth looking at Atticus with worry in his eyes. Was this supposed to be happening? How could he eat human meat if it was going to hurt every time??

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