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I hear the boys talking amongst themselves as I slowly start to open my eyes, letting them get used to the bright lights above me.

"How are we supposed to put those two back together?" Prompto asks "He doesn't know how to function without creepy Ardyn. And she might not be able to fix it..."

"And that will tear her apart even more than the ring might have," Gladio says

"You boys do know that talking about somebody when they are unconscious is considered rude." I laugh as I slowly start to sit up, looking at the three boys

"Gene!" Prompto yells as he rushes over

"Hey. I'm alive." I say with a smile as the other two come over

"Glad to see you awake. We were worried for a little bit." Gladio says

I look down at my fingers and see that the ring is gone. I look at them when they see where I was looking and then go quiet.

"He didn't want to risk you getting hurt now that he was gone," Ignis says

"Where is Noctis?" I ask

"He shut himself in another room. He won't talk to anyone." Prompto says

"Alright. Looks like I'm getting back to my job sooner than I should." I say as I try to stand up

"Sit that ass back down. You aren't going anywhere near him." Gladio says

"Gladio, he obviously doesn't want to hurt me. Let me talk to him. I might be able to help." I start "You have to at least let me try. You know that if I don't even try, it's going to make me feel worse."

"Fine. But if you hurt yourself, even more, I get to tell you I told you so." He grumbles

"That sounds like a fair deal," I say

I stand up and immediately grab the nightstand next to the bed as I look at the three boys as they all move to help me.

"I'm fine." I reassure "What room is he in?"

"Just down the hall," Ignis says as he studies me

I keep my hand on the nightstand for another minute then head towards the door and slowly open it.

He's your boyfriend for god's sake. He wouldn't hurt you.

I walk towards the end of the hall and see the door slightly open. I let my hand run over the wall as I slowly walk towards the door.

I knock softly before I hear a soft grunt.

"Noct?" I ask


"Noct?" I hear Gene's soft voice asks

"Gene?" I ask as I turn towards the door

I watch as her hazel eyes are the first thing I see as she slowly opens the door.

"Can I come in?" She asks

"If you really want. I don't want to hurt you." I start

"Noct, you're not going to hurt me. You took the ring because you were scared that if it remained on my finger any longer that I might get hurt even worse." She says as she comes in and shuts the door

"Won't the boys want you to keep the door open just in case I try something?" I almost growl

"Noct, no need for the venom in your voice. You are the reason why they don't trust you like they used to." She says as she sits on the bed, looking down at me

"I know. But it still hurts to see that my own best friend can't even seem to forgive me." I whisper "I can understand Ignis and Gladio and even you, but Prompto? I thought we would always be there for each other."

"Noct, he has been lied to so many times. He didn't know what to think about when we found out that you have joined the Empire and lied about why you left us." She starts "I don't even know if I can forgive you quite yet. I'm for sure going to try as hard as hell, but after what you have put us through, it might take a bit longer than it usually does."

"As I said, I understand you three." I hiss

"Noct..." She warns "Give us time. Just like we are giving you time."

"You're the one who killed him," I say

"Oh, so you're going to bring it to the man that made you kill all those people. The man that made you hurt us." She says as she takes in a deep breath before standing up

"He's the reason why Gladio's dad is dead! He's the reason Luna is dead! He's the reason why my dad is dead! He's the reason why the king, your dad, is dead!" She yells

I look at her as she walks towards the door again.

"He's also the reason why the man I loved was a monster." She says "He really left me no choice."

I look at her as she looks at me, tears in her eyes.

"We'll be leaving soon. I would get ready, 'cause you're coming with us no matter what you want." She says

"Gene..." I start

"Don't Noct. I've watched too many people die because of you." She starts "When you come to your senses, you can try to talk to me again."

I watch her as she walks out of the room and heads towards the other room as she wipes away the tears.

I really messed her up...


I look around the train as I look at Noctis as he is off sitting by himself.

"We just need to get the crystal and he can bring back the light that way," I say

"Why do you assume that?" Ignis says

"The kings of old actually told me," I say as I look at them

"Your eyes actually have a hint of purple now." Gladio laughs "They really suit you."

I laugh as I roll my eyes and shake my head and look at Noctis again.

"Is he still moping about Ardyn?" I ask

"Nobody really knows why he is moping now." Prompto says "He's really refusing to talk to anyone."

"Well, except you," Gladio says

"That's because I have been forcing him to talk a little bit." Prompto says "Gene, you might be able to get more out of him."

"Not happening until he comes to me. Not after how our last conversation went." I say

"Well did you know that he carried your locket everywhere he went." Prompto says "Whenever he disagreed with Ardyn, he would grip it extra tight and try to think about what you would do to get yourself out of the situation."

"Well, if it was me, I would've never joined Ardyn," I say

Prompto sighs as he looks at me one last time before standing up and walking towards Noctis.

"He is really trying to get everything back together," Gladio says

"I know. But Noct doesn't seem like he regrets anything that he has done." I say

"That's at least the vibe he is giving off. Nobody knows him better than you or Prompto." Ignis says "And I know that you two are both getting a different vibe than Gladio and myself are."

"I'm getting the vibe he feels bad. But he hates me because I killed Ardyn." I say "He became too damn reliant on him and now it's taking its effect."

"Let's just see how it goes when we get to the crystal before you officially forgive him. I know you need more time then he does." Gladio says "You have always been the one to talk first. Give him the chance to come to you first."

"What do you think I'm doing?" I ask as I look up at Gladio

The Deamon Prince (FFXV Noctis AU)Where stories live. Discover now