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I look down at the ring in my hand as I watch the train as it speeds towards Niflheim, the last known place for the crystal.

"How far into the city is it?" Gladio asks as the other three walk over

"If they have heard about Ardyn's death, they probably have moved it. But it should be somewhere in the center of the city." I say

"Right where everybody would think it is." Gene says "They would want to keep it obvious because they think we're too dumb to actually believe that it would be in the center."

"Gene, you're rambling again," Ignis says

"Of course I am. I always am before something big like this." She says before turning towards me "Are you actually going to fight with us or are you still going to try and fight for them?"

"Gene, I don't know if you will believe me at this point. But I am finally ready to accept the fact that I am the chosen king." I say "You shouldn't have had to take my place, but you were strong enough to. And now it's my turn to take on my role."

She looks at me before nodding as she turns to look out the window as she sees the city of almost all metal.

"Why they would bring the crystal to their home place, I may never know. But let's do our best to get out of here as quickly as possible." She says

"Yes, ma'am." We all say


I look around the halls as we are slowly creeping along the hallways, trying to avoid the rouge gunmen and other daemons.

"These halls all look the same to me." I hiss

"They look the same to everyone," Gladio says

"I know they all look the same. But you guys need to trust me, at least this one time." Noct says as he looks back at us

"Obviously we are trusting you as you are the one who is leading," Ignis says

He nods before looking forwards again and makes a left turn to come face to face with Ravus. He looks us over once then nods before stepping out of our way. I go to step by him when he grabs my elbow, holding me back as the others go ahead.

"I know you may not trust me fully just like you don't trust the King. But I wanted to be the one who warns you, the emperor has many guards guarding the crystal now that Ardyn is dead and gone for good." He says "You might have to make sure Noctis does his job and not worry about you guys getting hurt."

"If he doesn't get the job done right, then we know he isn't with us." I start

Ravus nods before letting go of my elbow and turns to walk away.

"Ravus, I want you to know that I am truly sorry about your sister. She wasn't meant to die during that." I say

"I know. And I know that you got revenge for her when you killed Ardyn." He says with a sad smile "Just keep fighting and make sure her death wasn't for nothing."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure her death was worth it." I say before he motions at me to go catch up with the others

I look towards the direction they went to see that they had stopped at the corner to look back and I quickly but quietly hurry to catch up with them.

"Ravus gave us the warning about the extra guards at the crystal." I say "Noct, you can't worry about us getting hurt. You need to get to that crystal and do your duty as soon as you are given the chance."

"Is that why Ravus pulled you aside?" He asks

"That is exactly why he pulled me aside. He knows that I am usually the only one that can get away with giving you orders." I say "Now do you understand what you need to do?"

The Deamon Prince (FFXV Noctis AU)Where stories live. Discover now