Rain of Struggles

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I've been lost for so long
Lost without direction
I often choose wrong
And I learn my lessons
The mistakes were great
But the lessons they taught were greater
I've lost faith
Only for it to come back stronger
I'm chasing Fate
Destiny cannot wait much longer
My head is held high
As I run through this stormy weather
It may be raining now
But it can't rain forever
I won't let it keep me down
I will find the rainbow
At the end of the rain
I refuse to drown
I hold my breath in the clouds
My dreams are profound and outstretched
But I will come within grasps of them
I run with my arms at full length
I feel success at my fingertips
I will grab ahold of it
And never lose my grip
I sacrificed a lot
But it was worth the struggles
For the lessons they taught
They often left me puzzled
And some parts seemed wrong
But I can see the pieces through the fog
And I put them together
So I can move along
I was too weak to find my way
But the rain of struggles have made me strong
I live to breathe another day
Because I didn't wait for the storm to calm
I fought my way through the rain
In search of the Dawn

Final Chapter of Darkness Before the Dawn: A Poetic JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now