A... vacation?

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1st POV- Jack/Seán

"Okay guys," I began while walking down the stairs, lugging a giant suitcase, "Have ya finished packing?"

A face- my face, actually- popped out from behind the doorway to the living room, "Anti, Marvin, and Schneep are almost finished."

"Thanks, S34N." I smiled warmly to the Android.

The head sunk back into the room with a blank face. I dragged my stuff into the living room, setting it on the ground with a grunt.

I looked around the room. S34N was double-checking the hotel's rules and regulations on the couch, next to Jameson, who was doing some sort of charades to Robbie, who sat on the floor in front of him.

Chase was on the phone with I could only guess was Stacy, his wife, and Jackaboy was flying up in the air, reading a comic book (which was probably Spiderman).

I walked back out towards the stairs, calling up, "Anti! Marvin! Henrik! It's time!"

A few moments later, Marvin appeared on the bottom step in a cloud of green smoke. I coughed, batting the smoke away with my hand, "You couldn't have walked like a normal person?"

Marvin shrugged, "Practice makes perfect, Jack."

I rolled my eyes, "Well, you should practice packing a suitcase faster, then."

Marvin frowned, leaving to the living room with a swish of his cape. Henrik stomped down the stairs, holding a medical bag and a suitcase.

I sighed, "Henrik isn't that-"

I was immediately cut off, "It is Doctah Schneeplestein, to you! And, zis is necessary, Jack! Being of ze  medical profession, I vill need to have meine items with me during every possible occasion."

"Can't you borrow the medical supplies from Mark's doctor ego?" I suggested, forgetting the non-German doctor's name.

"Dr. Iplier is not a real doctah, Jack." Henrik growled, his fingers turning white from holding both bags so tight.

"Okay, okay. You can bring it along." I told him, and Henrik nodded, following the same path Marvin did.

"Hurry up, Anti!" I called up again.

The glitch filled the house with high pitched giggles as the lights went out. I crossed my arms, tapping my foot lightly, wanting to leave soon.

When the lights turned back on, I was met with black eyes and the blade of a knife against my throat.

"Nobody tells me what to do, Seán." Anti frowned, growling somewhat loudly.

"Anti!" A voice yelled from the living room.

"What?!" Anti hissed.

"I have cookies for you if you stop trying to slit Jack's throat." The voice said.

Anti looked back and forth between me and the doorway to the living room, finally shutting his eyes tightly. When he opened them, they were back to green, "I'll let you go this time, but next time you won't be as lucky."

Anti the put the knife into his back pocket, glitching into the room. I took a deep breath, rubbing my neck in a similar way Anti does.

"Okay, guys, you know the drill." I said, nodding to the egos.

Jameson and Anti looked up at me, both closing their eyes tightly. Colour in Jameson's face returned, his mustache disappearing as he smiled at me.

Anti was trickier. His ears shortened slightly, the scar on his neck fading, his fangs turning into regular teeth as well.

He shook his head, opening his eyes, and muttering, "This sucks."

"Marvin, you're in charge of clothes arrangement, and everybody give your weapons and masks to me." I told them.

Jackaboy, Marvin, and Schneep gave their masks up, and S34N took out his LED, handing it to me. With a swish of Marvin's wand, all the egos were wearing normal clothes now, well, except for Anti and Chase, who basically wore casual every day.

Schneep was in blue jeans and a white T-shirt, Jackaboy was wearing a Spiderman t-shirt and red sweatpants, S34N was wearing his suit, just without all the labels and such, Robbie was wearing a black and grey striped shirt with grey sweatpants.

Jameson had on a white PMA hoodie, with black jeans, and Marvin was wearing a blue t-shirt with, "Marvin! You took my flamingo shorts!"

Marvin looked down and then back up at Jack, smirking, "Sorry, I guess."

"Okay Marv," Chase spoke up, patting the magician's shoulder, and everybody nodded.

Marvin pulled his wand out of his back pocket, waving it. The group was engulfed in familiar green smoke. A moment later, we were in an alleyway. Marvin walked out to see if anybody could see us, before telling us it was okay to walk out.

"Okay, so where are we?" I wondered aloud, and S34N responded, "LA, a few blocks from the hotel."

I nodded, "Let's get going, this is a vacation, after all."

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