The Fall of Man

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1st POV- Damien

It was pitch black. I had a faint blue outline around my body. The "sky" lit up with a loud crack of thunder before green lightning struck around me.

I blinked, rubbing my eyes. I was in the void. I immediately ran forward, hoping to find Celine.

1st POV- Will

I walked through the manor, hoping to find Jamie somewhere.

Why am I such an idiot? I've been dating James for so long. I love him so much more than anybody else.

It's just... When I saw Celine... My heart beats so fast for her.

But she's a part of Dark. I'm not going to date Dark.

I finally came upon the living room, where I saw a flash of blue hair from behind the couch.

I sighed, "James... Please come out...."

Jamie hid more, ducking down further. I could hear small sniffles, and I walked behind the couch, seeing  the dapper man holding his legs to his chest and sobbing silently.

I sat beside him, and he tried to get away, but I quickly pulled him back to sit down.

He sat staring at the carpet, not even daring to glance at me.

I frowned, "James, I-"

He cut me off, placing a hand over my mouth before removing it

He moved his hands around, an dI watched for what he was saying, No apologies, alright? Do you like Celine, or do you not?

I swallowed, "I mean, it's complicated, I like you. Celine was my darling before all of this and-"

Jamie glared at me, shaking his head, Do you. Or do you not.

I sighed, "I do. I mean, I did, er..."

Tears formed in Jamie's eyes, You've chosen then.

He stood up, wiping away silent tears, Is it because I can't speak?

I shook my head, grabbing his hands, "James, no. It's not like-"

He freed himself from my grip and begin to sign again, Or is it because you can't go a day without having sex? I was a kid, you wouldn't have sex with a kid, would you? So you went back to Celine. She was so willing to be your toy that you just had to make love to her?

I frowned, tears forming in my own eyes as I shook my head, tugging at my hair. I couldn't look away from his sign language, You had to make love to the woman who you stole from Mark? And then you abandoned her! Now when she's come back, you have a boyfriend. Me. But you'd rather spend your time in bed with her than look for me when I was in need of somebody!

There was a ringing in my ears as I shook my head, the tears pouring out. The silent words continued, Why weren't you there? I thought you said you weren't going to let me get hurt! You promised me, Will! I trusted-

Suddenly, the movements were stopped, and I looked up. Jamie's eyes were wide, and he had his hand over his chest.

He moved his hand to show the blood staining the shirt. I gasped, and noticed the gun in my hand.

I shot him...

I shot my Jamie...

1st POV- Damien

I heard small footsteps coming closer and closer to me.

I followed the sound, avoiding the lighting flashing around me as I hurried to get to whoever was making the noise.


I squinted to see, but I saw the figure of a girl rushing towards me. I smiled.


And Dark.

I glanced a bit behind Celine to see Dark as an adult hurrying towards us.

I smiled, and Celine and Dark finally walked up to me.

Okay, so we've found each other, now what?

Well, the lighting got stronger as we approached you, did you notice that?

I looked all around. The lightning was incredibly bright by now.

Uh, yeah. I guess I did.

I suspect it's a conducter of Marvin's spell. Dark motioned around as it continuously zapped the ground.

Yes, because it never was here before. It's interfering with our void.

So what do we do?

Let it hit us.


Dark blinked at her as if she was crazy.

Look, the spell is in that lightning. If we get hit-

-the spell will take effect on our bodies.

So we stand close together and wait for it to hit us?


I shrugged, moving closer to them.

Suddenly, the biggest and brightest bolt of lightning flew down from the sky, turning into three separate streams as it zapped us all.

Everything went to nothingness as it did.

1st POV- Dark

I felt as if I'd been stabbed.

Which isn't too painful considering the pain I've experienced.

My eyes opened some to see a cat. I blinked. It wasn't a cat. It was a cat mask.

It was the magician what's his name.

His name's Marvin.

Yeah, he's very helpful.

'Wait a second... You're in my head.'

I rubbed my eyes, "Did you stab me?"

He grinned, shaking his head, "No. That's Anti's job."

I sat up quickly, "Wait, I'm an adult?!"

"Woah, remain cool, bro. Remember? You're the emo one." Chase laughed from where he was playing with a kid.

It's Jack. The spell they did only worked on his egos. Not him, remember?

'I do... I remember!'

Calm down there, Darkiplier.

I brought a scowl to my face as I stood, "Thank you, Marvin. I shall be going-"

"Hold up!" Mark said, standing from where he was seated, "You're staying. I have to go."

I frowned, sitting back down, "Fine. Go with your... Girlfriend. I shall stay with the Septics."

Mark nodded, and waved goodbye to Jack, who smiled sadly.

Marvin plopped into a chair, rubbing his forehead.

I blinked, "What's wrong?"

"The bro is just overworked," Chase said, clapping as Jack created a small tower of blocks, "He doesn't like to do too many strong spells near each other."

"So how's Anti doing?" I questioned.

Just as Chase opened his mouth, the emergency room doors burst open and they were wheeling a stretcher in.

I stood immediately, seeing Wilford running after them, "Will! What's wrong?!"

"I-I-" He stumbled around through his words before smiling, "You're an adult again, Dark!"

I nodded, "Explain yourself. Now."

Will swallowed, "It's Jamie... I... I shot him and he's not waking up."

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...okay I promise no cliffhanger next chapter, alright?

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